Introduction to Data Interpretation

Introduction to Data Interpretation

Direction: Study the bar diagram and answer the following questions.

  1. The ratio of the number of companies having more demand than production to the companies having more production than demand, is

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    From the given bar diagram , we see
    Number of companies having more demand than production ( In A, C and E companies ) = 3
    Number of companies having more production than demand ( In B and D companies ) = 2
    Required ratio = Number of companies having more demand than production : Number of companies having more production than demand

    Correct Option: D

    From the given bar diagram , we see
    Number of companies having more demand than production ( In A, C and E companies ) = 3
    Number of companies having more production than demand ( In B and D companies ) = 2
    Required ratio = Number of companies having more demand than production : Number of companies having more production than demand
    Required ratio = 3 : 2

Direction: A watch company produces four different products. The sale of these products in lakhs during 2005 and 2010 are shown in the following bar diagram. Study the graph and answer the questions.

  1. The sales have increased by nearly 135% from 2005 to 2010 in the product of

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    As per the given bar graph , we have
    The sales of table clock in 2010 = 22.3 lakhs
    The sales of table clock in 2005 = 9.5 lakhs
    Increase = 22.3 - 9.5 = 12.8

    Percentage increase in the sales of table clocks =
    × 100
    The sales of table clock in 2005

    Correct Option: A

    As per the given bar graph , we have
    The sales of table clock in 2010 = 22.3 lakhs
    The sales of table clock in 2005 = 9.5 lakhs
    Increase = 22.3 - 9.5 = 12.8

    Percentage increase in the sales of table clocks =
    × 100
    The sales of table clock in 2005

    Percentage increase in the sales of table clocks =
    × 100 ≈ 135

  1. During the period 2005-2010, the minimum rate of increase in sales is in the product of

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    Here, decrease is evident from bar diagram.
    Wrist watches : 21.3 ⇒ 28.7 lakhs
    Table clocks 9.5 ⇒ 22.3 lakhs
    Wall clocks 30.7 ⇒ 32.7 lakhs

    Correct Option: D

    Here, decrease is evident from bar diagram.
    Wrist watches : 21.3 ⇒ 28.7 lakhs
    Table clocks 9.5 ⇒ 22.3 lakhs
    Wall clocks 30.7 ⇒ 32.7 lakhs
    Thus , the minimum rate of increase in sales is in the product of Wall clock during the period 2005-2010 .

  1. The sales of table clock in 2005 was less than the sales of wall clock in 2005 is nearly by

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    From the given bar diagram , we see
    The sales of table clock in 2005 = 9.5 lakhs
    The sales of wall clock in 2005 = 30.7 lakhs
    Total Change = 30.7 - 9.5 = 21.2 lakhs

    Required percent =
    Total Change
    × 100
    The sales of wall clock in 2005

    Correct Option: B

    From the given bar diagram , we see
    The sales of table clock in 2005 = 9.5 lakhs
    The sales of wall clock in 2005 = 30.7 lakhs
    Total Change = 30.7 - 9.5 = 21.2 lakhs

    Required percent =
    Total Change
    × 100
    The sales of wall clock in 2005

    Required percent =
    21.2 × 100
    = 69.05%

  1. The ratio of sales of stopwatch in 2010 to the sale of table clock in 2005 is

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    As per the given bar graph , we have
    Sales of stopwatch in 2010 = 3.5 lakhs
    The sale of table clock in 2005 = 9.5 lakhs
    Required ratio = Sales of stopwatch in 2010 : Sale of table clock in 2005

    Correct Option: D

    As per the given bar graph , we have
    Sales of stopwatch in 2010 = 3.5 lakhs
    The sale of table clock in 2005 = 9.5 lakhs
    Required ratio = Sales of stopwatch in 2010 : Sale of table clock in 2005
    Required ratio = 3.5 : 9.5 = 7 : 19