Introduction to Data Interpretation

Introduction to Data Interpretation

Direction: The table given below shows production of five types of cars by a company from the year 1998 to 2003. Study the table and answer the question.

  1. In which year the production of cars of all types taken together was approximately equal to the average of the total production during the period:

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    On the basis of given table in question ,
    Total production of cars of all types taken together = 476
    Number of given years = 6

    Average production of whole duration =
    Total production of cars of all types taken together
    Number of given years

    Correct Option: B

    On the basis of given table in question ,
    Total production of cars of all types taken together = 476
    Number of given years = 6

    Average production of whole duration =
    Total production of cars of all types taken together
    Number of given years

    Average production of whole duration =
    = 79

    which is total production in 2000.

  1. Different choices made by a group of 200 students are given below in percentage. The number of students who have taken neither Science nor Commerce is

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    According to given table, we have
    Percentage of students in ( Science + Commerce ) = (29 + 31)% = 60%
    Percentage of students in ( Arts + Home science + Others ) = (29 + 6 + 5)% = 40%
    Percentage of students in all streams = 100%

    Correct Option: A

    According to given table, we have
    Percentage of students in ( Science + Commerce ) = (29 + 31)% = 60%
    Percentage of students in ( Arts + Home science + Others ) = (29 + 6 + 5)% = 40%
    Percentage of students in all streams = 100%

    Students who neither have commerce nor science = 200 ×
    = 80

Direction: The following table shows the production of food grains (in million tonnes) in a State for the period 1988 to 1992. Read the table and answer the following questions.

  1. During 1992, the percentage of increase in the production of wheat, over the previous year was:

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    On the basis of given table in question ,
    Production of wheat in 1992 = 860 million tonnes
    Production of wheat in 1991 = 680 million tonnes
    Increase in production = 860 - 680 = 180 million tonnes

    Percentage increase =
    Increase in production
    × 100
    Production of wheat in 1991

    Correct Option: A

    On the basis of given table in question ,
    Production of wheat in 1992 = 860 million tonnes
    Production of wheat in 1991 = 680 million tonnes
    Increase in production = 860 - 680 = 180 million tonnes

    Percentage increase =
    Increase in production
    × 100
    Production of wheat in 1991

    Percentage increase =
    × 100 = 26.47%

  1. The increase in the production of other cereals (over the previous year) was minimum during the year :

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    As per the given above table , we see
    Production of other cereals in 1988 = 350 million tonnes
    Production of other cereals in 1989 = 400 million tonnes
    Increase in production = 400 - 350 = 50 million tonnes

    Percentage increase in 1988 =
    50 × 100
    = 14.28%

    Similarly , we can find other values .

    Correct Option: A

    As per the given above table , we see
    Production of other cereals in 1988 = 350 million tonnes
    Production of other cereals in 1989 = 400 million tonnes
    Increase in production = 400 - 350 = 50 million tonnes

    Percentage increase in 1988 =
    50 × 100
    = 14.28%

    Production of other cereals in 1989 = 400 million tonnes
    Production of other cereals in 1990 = 420 million tonnes
    Increase in production = 420 - 400 = 20 million tonnes
    Percentage increase in 1989 =
    20 × 100
    = 5%

    Hence , required answer is 1989 year .

  1. In 1991, the increase in production over the previous year was maximum for :

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    On the basis of given table in question ,
    Production of wheat in 1990 = 560 million tonnes
    Production of wheat in 1991 = 680 million tonnes
    Increase in production = 680 - 560 = 120 million tonnes

    Percentage increase =
    120 × 100
    = 21.42%

    Production of rice in 1990 = 240 million tonnes
    Production of rice in 1991 = 300 million tonnes
    Increase in production = 300 - 240 = 60 million tonnes
    Percentage increase =
    60 × 100
    = 25%

    Correct Option: C

    On the basis of given table in question ,
    Production of wheat in 1990 = 560 million tonnes
    Production of wheat in 1991 = 680 million tonnes
    Increase in production = 680 - 560 = 120 million tonnes

    Percentage increase =
    120 × 100
    = 21.42%

    Production of rice in 1990 = 240 million tonnes
    Production of rice in 1991 = 300 million tonnes
    Increase in production = 300 - 240 = 60 million tonnes
    Percentage increase =
    60 × 100
    = 25%

    Production of maize in 1990 = 228 million tonnes
    Production of maize in 1991 = 380 million tonnes
    Increase in production = 380 - 228 = 52 million tonnes
    Percentage increase =
    52 × 100
    = 22.80%

    From above it is clear that increase in production for maize is maximum.