Introduction to Data Interpretation

Introduction to Data Interpretation

Direction: The table given below depicts the export of a commodity through four ports in the years 1998 and 1999.

  1. What was the change in the aggregate export of the commodity in the year 1999 as compared to the year 1998?

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    On the basis of given table in question ,
    Aggregate export in 1998 = $ (57 + 148 + 229 + 146) crore = $ 580 crore
    Aggregate export in 1999 = $ (61 + 160 + 234 + 150) crore
    Aggregate export in 1999 = $ 605 crore
    Increase = $ (605 – 580) crore = $ 25 crore

    ∴ Percentage increase =
    × 100
    Aggregate export in 1998

    Correct Option: A

    On the basis of given table in question ,
    Aggregate export in 1998 = $ (57 + 148 + 229 + 146) crore = $ 580 crore
    Aggregate export in 1999 = $ (61 + 160 + 234 + 150) crore
    Aggregate export in 1999 = $ 605 crore
    Increase = $ (605 – 580) crore = $ 25 crore

    ∴ Percentage increase =
    × 100
    Aggregate export in 1998

    Percentage increase =
    × 100 = 4.3%

  1. The percentage increase in the export of the commodity from the year 1998 to 1999 was the highest from which port?

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    According to given table, we have
    Export of Port A in 1998 = 57 crore rupees
    Export of Port A in 1999 = 61 crore rupees
    Increase = 61 - 57 = 4 crore rupees

    Percentage increase in Port A →
    × 100 = 7%

    Export of Port B in 1998 = 148 crore rupees
    Export of Port B in 1999 = 160 crore rupees
    Increase = 160 - 148 = 12 crore rupees
    Percentage increase in Port B →
    × 100 = 8.1%

    Export of Port C in 1998 = 229 crore rupees
    Export of Port C in 1999 = 234 crore rupees
    Increase = 234 - 229 = 5 crore rupees

    Correct Option: B

    According to given table, we have
    Export of Port A in 1998 = 57 crore rupees
    Export of Port A in 1999 = 61 crore rupees
    Increase = 61 - 57 = 4 crore rupees

    Percentage increase in Port A →
    × 100 = 7%

    Export of Port B in 1998 = 148 crore rupees
    Export of Port B in 1999 = 160 crore rupees
    Increase = 160 - 148 = 12 crore rupees
    Percentage increase in Port B →
    × 100 = 8.1%

    Export of Port C in 1998 = 229 crore rupees
    Export of Port C in 1999 = 234 crore rupees
    Increase = 234 - 229 = 5 crore rupees
    Percentage increase in Port C →
    × 100 = 2.2%

    Export of Port D in 1998 = 146 crore rupees
    Export of Port D in 1999 = 150 crore rupees
    Increase = 150 - 146 = 4 crore rupees
    Percentage increase in Port D →
    × 100 = 2.74%

    From above it is clear that Export form B is highest.

Direction: Study the table and answer the questions:
The table given below shows the highest and average marks of a class in four subjects in four years. The maximum marks in each subject are 100.

  1. In which year, the difference between the highest and average marks in Social Science was the least?

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    According to given table, we have
    It was in the year 1994.
    Highest marks = 66
    Average marks = 58
    ∴ Required Difference = Highest marks – Average marks

    Correct Option: C

    According to given table, we have
    It was in the year 1994.
    Highest marks = 66
    Average marks = 58
    ∴ Required Difference = Highest marks – Average marks
    Difference = 66 – 58 = 8

  1. In which year, the difference between the highest and the average marks in Mathematics was maximum?

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    As per the given above table , we can see
    It was maximum in the year 1993.
    Highest marks = 94
    Average marks = 60
    Required difference = Highest marks - Average marks

    Correct Option: B

    As per the given above table , we can see
    It was maximum in the year 1993.
    Highest marks = 94
    Average marks = 60
    Required difference = Highest marks - Average marks
    ∴ Required difference = 94 – 60 = 34

  1. Supposing that there were 40 students in science in the year 1995, how much total of marks did they receive combined together?

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    On the basis of given table in question ,
    Average marks of science in 1995 = 68
    Number of students in science in the year 1995 = 40
    Total marks = Average marks of science in 1995 × Number of students in science

    Correct Option: B

    On the basis of given table in question ,
    Average marks of science in 1995 = 68
    Number of students in science in the year 1995 = 40
    Total marks = Average marks of science in 1995 × Number of students in science
    ∴ Total marks = 68 × 40 = 2720