
Direction: You have brief passages with questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
John had never thought much about the origin of wealth or inequalities in life. It was his firm belief that if this world was not good, the next would be good, and this faith sustained him. He was not like some others whom he knew, who would sell their souls to the devil. He always thought of God before doing anything. He lived the life of an honest man. He had not married but did not desire another man’s wife. He believed that women weakened men as was described in the story of Samson and Delilah.

  1. From the above passage we understand that John was

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    a man of simple faith

    Correct Option: B

    a man of simple faith

  1. By not desiring another man’s wife John showed that

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    he was a man of principles

    Correct Option: B

    he was a man of principles

  1. It was John’s belief that

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    one must lead an honest life

    Correct Option: D

    one must lead an honest life

  1. John thought that women weakened men because

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    he was convinced that what the story of Samson and Delilah illustrates is correct

    Correct Option: D

    he was convinced that what the story of Samson and Delilah illustrates is correct

  1. To sell one’s soul to the devil means

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    giving up one’s honesty for the sake of monetary benefits

    Correct Option: C

    giving up one’s honesty for the sake of monetary benefits