Direction: In the following questions, you have two brief passages with 5 questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
Two or three days and nights went by; I reckon I might say they swam by, they slid along so quiet and smooth and lovely. Here is the way we put it in the time. It was a monstrous big river down there – sometimes a mile and a half wide; we ran nights, and laid up and hid daytimes; soon as night was most gone we stopped navigating and tied up – nearly always in the dead water under a towhead; and then cut young cottonwoods and willows, and hid the raft with them. Then we set out the lines. Next, we slid into the river and had a swim, so as to freshen up and cool off; then we set down on the sandy bottom where the water was about knee deep and watched the daylight come. Not a sound anywhere – perfectly still – just like the whole world was asleep; only sometimes the bullfrog's cluttering, maybe. The first thing to see, looking away over the water was a kind of dull line – that was the woods on the other side; you couldn’t make anything else out; then a pale place in the sky; then more paleness spreading around; then the river softened up, away off, and wasn’t black any more, but grey; you could see little dark spots drifting along-ever so far away – trading scows and such things and long black streaks – rafts; sometimes you could hear a sweep creaking or jumbled up voices, it was so still and sounds come so far and by and by you could see a streak on the water which you know by the look of the streak that there’s a snag there in a swift current which breaks on it and makes that streak look that way.
(1) reckon (V.) : to think something/have an opinion about something
(2) monstrous (Adj.) : very large and frightening
(3) navigating (V.) : sailing over/through a sea, river, etc.
(4) towhead (N.) : a sandbar/low-lying alluvial island in a river, especially one with a stand of trees
(5) scows (N.) : a large flat-bottomed boat with square ends, used chiefly for transporting freight
(6) streaks (N.) : a long thin mark/line
(7) snag (N.) : difficulty
(8) moor (N.) : a high open area of land that is not used for farming, especially an area covered with rough grass
- The streak on the water looks as it does because
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of a snag there in the swift current which breaks on it.
Correct Option: C
of a snag there in the swift current which breaks on it.
- In the stillness of the night
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the whole world was asleep
Correct Option: C
the whole world was asleep
- After a swim in the moor they
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set down on the sandy bottom where the water was about knee deep and watched the daylight come.
Correct Option: B
set down on the sandy bottom where the water was about knee deep and watched the daylight come.
Direction: In the following questions, you have two brief passages with 5 questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
By the mid-nineteenth century, mass production of paper patterns, the emergence of the home sewing machine, and the convenience of mail order catalogues brought fashionable clothing into the American home. By the early twentieth century, home economists working in extension and outreach programs taught women how to use paper patterns to improve the fit and efficiency to new garments as well as how to update existing ones. Teachers of home economics traditionally made home sewing a critical part of their curriculum, emphasizing self-sufficiency and resource fulness for young women. However, with the increasing availability of mass-produced clothing in catalogues and department stores, more and more women preferred buying garments to making them. As a result, home economists shifted their attention to consumer education. Through field study’s analysis and research, they became experts on the purchase and preservation of readyto-wear clothing for the family, offering budgeting instruction targeted at adolescent girls. Modern home sewing made it possible for American women to transcend their economic differences and geographic locations with clothing that was increasingly standardized. The democratization of fashion continued through the twentieth century as the ready-towear market expanded and home sewing became more of a pastime than a necessity.
(1) outreach (N.) : the activity of an organization that provides a service/advice to people in the community, especially those who cannot/are unlikely to come to an office, a hospital, etc. for help
(2) curriculum (N.) : the subjects that are included in a course of study/taught in a school, college, etc.
(3) transcend (V.) : to be/go beyond the usual limits of something
- What were the skills that were emphasized for young women?
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Self-sufficiency and resourcefulness
Correct Option: B
Self-sufficiency and resourcefulness
Direction: In the following questions, you have two brief passages with 5 questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
Poverty can be defined as a social phenomenon in which a section of the society is unable to fulfil even its basic necessities of life. When a substantial segment of the society is deprived of the minimum level of living and continues at a bare subsistence level, that society is said to be plagued with mass poverty. The countries of the third world exhibit invariably the existence of mass poverty, although pockets of poverty exist even in the developed countries of Europe and America. Attempts have been made in all societies to define poverty, but all of them are conditioned by the vision of minimum or good life obtaining in society. For instance, the concept of poverty in the U.S.A. would be significantly different from that in India because the average man is able to afford a much higher level of living in the United States. There is an effort in all definitions of poverty to approach the average level of living in a society and as such these definitions reflect the coexistence of inequalities in a society and the extent to which different societies are prepared to tolerate them. For instance, in India, the generally accepted definition of poverty emphasizes minimum level of living rather than a reasonable level of living. This attitude is borne out of a realization that it would not be possible to provide even a minimum quantum of basic needs for some decades and therefore, to talk about a reasonable level of living or good life may appear to be wishful thinking at the present stage. Thus, political considera-tions enter the definitions of poverty because programmes of alleviating poverty may become prohibitive as the vision of a good life widens.
(1) substantial (Adj.) : considerable
(2) bare (Adj.) : just enough
(3) deprived (Phr. V.) : without the basic needs
(4) subsistence (N.) : the state of having just enough money/food to stay alive
(5) plagued with : suffering from
(6) invariably (Adv.) : always ; without fail
(7) borne out (Phr. V.) : justified ; confirmed
(8) quantum (N.) : a quantity/amount
(9) wishful thinking (N.) : the illusion that what you wish for is actually true
(10) alleviating (V.) : to lessen/reduce
(11) prohibitive (Adj.) : preventing people from doing something by law
- Societies in the third world can be characterised plagued by mass poverty, because
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Societies live at a bare subsistence level.
Correct Option: D
Societies live at a bare subsistence level.