
Direction: You have brief passages with 5-10 questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
An old shepherd was playing on a flute on the marshlands outside Rome. He played so sweetly that a lovely fairy came and listened to him. “Will you marry me, and play to me in my castle ?” she said. “Yes, yes, lovely lady !” said the shepherd. The fairy put a ring on his finger. At once he became a handsome young man dressed in princely robes. “But 1 must first go to Rome and bid farewell to my friends”, he said. The fairy gave him a golden coach with twelve white horses. As he rode in State to Rome, he met the young Queen of Italy, who invited him to her palace. The shepherd saw that he had won the Queen’s heart. He resolved to marry her and become the King of Italy and let the fairy go. So when he and the Queen were alone together he knelt down and took her hand, saying : “Marry me, dearest and I will help you to govern Italy.” But as soon as he spoke he turned into an old and rugged shepherd. “What is this horrible beggar doing here ?” cried the Queen. “Whip him out of the palace.”

  1. The Queen ordered the shepherd to be whipped out of the palace because he

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    turned old and ugly

    Correct Option: B

    turned old and ugly

  1. When the shepherd reached Rome, he

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    planned to marry the Queen of Italy

    Correct Option: A

    planned to marry the Queen of Italy

  1. The shepherd went to Rome in a

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    Correct Option: D


  1. When the fairy put a ring on his finger, the shepherd

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    changed into a handsome youth

    Correct Option: B

    changed into a handsome youth

  1. The fairy wanted to marry the shepherd because

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    he could play sweetly on his flute

    Correct Option: C

    he could play sweetly on his flute