
Direction: In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word as your answer.

  1. AMPLE

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    plentiful ample (Adj.) : enough; plenty of.
    meagre (Adj.) : small in quantity and poor in quality.

    Correct Option: B

    plentiful ample (Adj.) : enough; plenty of.
    meagre (Adj.) : small in quantity and poor in quality.


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    serene (Adj.) : calm and peaceful
    distraught (Adj.) : extremely upset and anxious so that you cannot think clearly; distressed.

    Correct Option: B

    serene (Adj.) : calm and peaceful
    distraught (Adj.) : extremely upset and anxious so that you cannot think clearly; distressed.


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    preserve (Verb) : save; to keep a particular quality
    eradicate (Verb) : to destroy/ get rid of something; wipe out
    alleviate (V.) : to make something less severe
    obstinacy (N.) : a refusal to change your opinions, way of behaving, etc. when other people try to persuade you to ; stubbornness

    Correct Option: A

    preserve (Verb) : save; to keep a particular quality
    eradicate (Verb) : to destroy/ get rid of something; wipe out
    alleviate (V.) : to make something less severe
    obstinacy (N.) : a refusal to change your opinions, way of behaving, etc. when other people try to persuade you to ; stubbornness


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    extraordinary (Adj.) : not normal or ordinary.
    mundane (Adj.) : not interesting; dull; ordinary.

    Correct Option: A

    extraordinary (Adj.) : not normal or ordinary.
    mundane (Adj.) : not interesting; dull; ordinary.

Direction: In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word as your answer.


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    flimsy (Adj.) : difficult to believe; fragile; thin; rickety; meagre; not strong
    substantial (Adj.) : not illusory; important; large in amount; considerable; strong

    Correct Option: A

    flimsy (Adj.) : difficult to believe; fragile; thin; rickety; meagre; not strong
    substantial (Adj.) : not illusory; important; large in amount; considerable; strong