
Direction: In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

  1. SLAVE

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    master (Noun) : a person who has people working for him
    slave (Noun) : a person who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for him
    surf (Noun) : waves in the sea or ocean, and the white foam that they produce as they fall on the beach, on rocks, etc.
    landlord (Noun) : one who is the owner of a building, house, etc.
    tenant (Noun) : a person who pays rent for the use of a room, building, land etc. to the person who owns it

    Correct Option: C

    master (Noun) : a person who has people working for him
    slave (Noun) : a person who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for him
    surf (Noun) : waves in the sea or ocean, and the white foam that they produce as they fall on the beach, on rocks, etc.
    landlord (Noun) : one who is the owner of a building, house, etc.
    tenant (Noun) : a person who pays rent for the use of a room, building, land etc. to the person who owns it

Direction: In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.


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    unpardonable (Adjective) : that can’t be paradoned
    venial (Adjective) : not very serious and therefore able to be forgiven; pardonable
    minor (Adjective) : not very large, important or serious
    pardonable (Adjective) : excusable; that can be forgiven or excused
    clean (Adjective) : clear

    Correct Option: C

    unpardonable (Adjective) : that can’t be paradoned
    venial (Adjective) : not very serious and therefore able to be forgiven; pardonable
    minor (Adjective) : not very large, important or serious
    pardonable (Adjective) : excusable; that can be forgiven or excused
    clean (Adjective) : clear


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    rational (Adjective) : based on reason rather than emotions; reasonable
    instinctive (Adjective) : natural; based on instinct, not an thought or training
    innate (Adjective) : inborn; that you have when you were born
    inherent (Adjective) : that is a basic or permanent part of somebody/something and that cannot be removed
    inborn (Adjective) : innate

    Correct Option: B

    rational (Adjective) : based on reason rather than emotions; reasonable
    instinctive (Adjective) : natural; based on instinct, not an thought or training
    innate (Adjective) : inborn; that you have when you were born
    inherent (Adjective) : that is a basic or permanent part of somebody/something and that cannot be removed
    inborn (Adjective) : innate


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    hostile (Adjective) :very unfriendly or aggressive
    cordial (Adjective) : pleasant and friendly
    fast (Adjective) : very quick
    heartfelt (Adjective) : sincere
    friendly (Adjective) : in a cordial manner

    Correct Option: D

    hostile (Adjective) :very unfriendly or aggressive
    cordial (Adjective) : pleasant and friendly
    fast (Adjective) : very quick
    heartfelt (Adjective) : sincere
    friendly (Adjective) : in a cordial manner

Direction: In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.


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    blame (Noun) : responsibility for doing something badly or wrongly
    accolade (Noun) : praise or an award for achievement that people admire
    reticent (Noun) : unwilling to tell people about things ; reserved
    decorate (Verb) : to beautify
    permeate (Verb) : to spread to every part of an object or a place

    Correct Option: A

    blame (Noun) : responsibility for doing something badly or wrongly
    accolade (Noun) : praise or an award for achievement that people admire
    reticent (Noun) : unwilling to tell people about things ; reserved
    decorate (Verb) : to beautify
    permeate (Verb) : to spread to every part of an object or a place