Electric circuits miscellaneous
- The line A to neutral voltage is 10∠15°V for a balanced three phase star-connected load with phase sequence ABC. The voltage of line B with respect to line C is given by
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VL = 3Vph = √3 × 10 = 10 √3Correct Option: C
VL = 3Vph = √3 × 10 = 10 √3
- A hollow metallic sphere of radius r is kept at potential of 1 Volt. The total electric flux coming out of the concentric spherical surface of radius R (> r) is
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Correct Option: A
- The driving point impedance Z(s) for the circuit shown below is
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S- Domain representation of the given circuit
Z(s) = s + 1 s + 1 s s 1 + s + 1 s s Z(s) = s4 + 3s2 + 1 s3 + 2s Correct Option: A
S- Domain representation of the given circuit
Z(s) = s + 1 s + 1 s s 1 + s + 1 s s Z(s) = s4 + 3s2 + 1 s3 + 2s
- A perfectly conducting metal plate is placed in x-y plane in a right handed coordinate system. A charge of +32πε0 √2 coulombs is placed at coordinate (0, 0, 2). ∈0 is the permittivity of free space. Assume î , ĵ , k̂ to be unit vectors along x, y and z axes r espect i vely. At t he coor di nat e. (√2, √2,0), the electric field vector →E (Newtons/ Coulomb) will be
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E = E1 + E2 = 1 Q1R1 + Q2R2 4πε0 R13 R23 E = 1 Q1 ( √2ax + √2ay - 2az ) - Q1 ( √2ax + √2ay + 2az ) 4πε0 16√2 16√2 = Q [-4az ] = 32√2 πε0 (-az) 16√2 × 4πε0 16√2 πε0
E = -2az
Correct Option: B
E = E1 + E2 = 1 Q1R1 + Q2R2 4πε0 R13 R23 E = 1 Q1 ( √2ax + √2ay - 2az ) - Q1 ( √2ax + √2ay + 2az ) 4πε0 16√2 16√2 = Q [-4az ] = 32√2 πε0 (-az) 16√2 × 4πε0 16√2 πε0
E = -2az
- A series RLC circuit s observed at two frequencies. At ω1 = 1 k rad/s, we note that source voltage V1 = 100 ∠0°V results in current I1 = 0.03 ∠31° A. At ω2 = 2 krad/s, the source volt age V2 = 100 ∠0° V results in a current I2 = 2 ∠0° A. The closest values for R, L, C out of the following options are
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at ω2 = 2000 r/secφ = 31° ⇒ tan-1 XL - XC R ⇒ tan31° = XL - XC R tan31° = ω1L - 1 ω1C R ⇒ ω1L - 1 = 0.600 × 50 ω1C ⇒ ω1L - 1 = 30.04 q ......(1) ω1C ⇒ ω2L - 1 = 0 ......(2) ω2C
ω1 = 1000 r / sec ;
ω2 = 2000 r / sec
from 1 and 2, C = 25 μF
L = 10 mH
Correct Option: B
at ω2 = 2000 r/secφ = 31° ⇒ tan-1 XL - XC R ⇒ tan31° = XL - XC R tan31° = ω1L - 1 ω1C R ⇒ ω1L - 1 = 0.600 × 50 ω1C ⇒ ω1L - 1 = 30.04 q ......(1) ω1C ⇒ ω2L - 1 = 0 ......(2) ω2C
ω1 = 1000 r / sec ;
ω2 = 2000 r / sec
from 1 and 2, C = 25 μF
L = 10 mH