Selecting Words

Direction: The following questions consist of a single sentence with one blank only. You are given six words denoted by A, B, C, D, E & F as answer choices and from the 6 choices you have to pick 2 correct answers, either of which will make the sentence meaningfully complete.

  1. The States should take steps _________ to the process of teachers” appointments as the Center has already sanctioned six lakh posts.
    (A) fasten
    (B) move
    (C) hasten
    (D) speed
    (E) early
    (F) quicken

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    The correct word is given as :-
    fasten /hasten

    Correct Option: B

    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    The States should take steps fasten /hasten to the process of teachers” appointments as the Centre has already sanctioned six lakh posts.

  1. A senior citizen’s son _________ threatened her every day and physically harmed her, forcing her to transfer her properly to him.
    (A) superficially
    (B) mistakenly
    (C) allegedly
    (D) miserably
    (E) doubtfully
    (F) purportedly

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    The correct word is given as :-
    allegedly /doubtfully

    Correct Option: C

    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    A senior citizen’s son allegedly /doubtfully threatened her every day and physically harmed her, forcing her to transfer her properly to him.

  1. The parents had approached the high court to ________________ the government order after their children, who passed UKG, were denied admission by a school.
    (A) void
    (B) quash
    (C) annual
    (D) stay
    (E) lift
    (F) post

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    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    annual /lift

    Correct Option: C

    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    The parents had approached the high court to annual /lift the government order after their children, who passed UKG, were denied admission by a school.

  1. Medical teachers said that the management had continued to remain ________________ to their cause leading to the stretching of their strike.
    (A) unmoved
    (B) lethargic
    (C) unconcerned
    (D) apathetic
    (E) indifferent
    (F) bored

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    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    unconcerned /bored

    Correct Option: B

    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    Medical teachers said that the management had continued to remain unconcerned /bored to their cause leading to the stretching of their strike.

  1. ___________ before the clock struck 8 on Saturday night, India Gate was swamped with people wearing black tee shirts and holding candles.
    (A) Minutes
    (B) Time
    (C) Later
    (D) Quickly
    (E) Since
    (F) Seconds

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    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    Time /Since

    Correct Option: A

    As we can say that ,
    The correct word is filled in the above given sentence :-
    Time /Since before the clock struck 8 on Saturday night, India Gate was swamped with people wearing black teeshirts and holding candles.