Selecting Words

Direction: In the following questions, sentences, are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

  1. Some animals have unique ____ that allow them to survive in extreme weather conditions.

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    characteristics (Noun) : a typical feature or quality that something or somebody has
    Here, characteristics is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    characteristics (Noun) : a typical feature or quality that something or somebody has
    Here, characteristics is the right usage.

  1. There was an ____ response for the marathon.

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    overwhelming (Adj.) : very great; so powerful that you cannot resist or decide how to react
    Here, over whelming is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    overwhelming (Adj.) : very great; so powerful that you cannot resist or decide how to react
    Here, over whelming is the right usage.

  1. John must have the ____ to stick to his diet, if he wants to lose weight.

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    determination (Noun) : the quality that makes one to continue trying to do something even when this is difficult
    Here, determination is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    determination (Noun) : the quality that makes one to continue trying to do something even when this is difficult
    Here, determination is the right usage.

  1. _____ weight gain or weight loss is not good for your body.

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    excessive (Adj.) : greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate
    Here, excessive is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    excessive (Adj.) : greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate
    Here, excessive is the right usage.

  1. Mr. and Mrs. Joshi go for a ____ walk just before dinner.

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    brisk (Adj.) : quick
    Here, brisk is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    brisk (Adj.) : quick
    Here, brisk is the right usage.