Selecting Words

Direction: In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate and suitable word. Four alternatives and suggested for each
question. Choose the correct alternatives out of the four.

  1. When Indians from the south move north, they find certain aspects of life quite ____ from their own.

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    different (Adj.) : not the same as somebody
    strange (Adj.): unusual
    separate (Adj.) : different; not connected (used before Nouns)
    divergent (Adj.) : different (of opinions, views, etc.)
    Here, different is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    different (Adj.) : not the same as somebody
    strange (Adj.): unusual
    separate (Adj.) : different; not connected (used before Nouns)
    divergent (Adj.) : different (of opinions, views, etc.)
    Here, different is the right usage.

  1. Are you really desirous _____ visiting Japan ?

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    desirous (Adj.) : having a wish for something; wanting something; desirous agrees
    with Prep.-of
    Here, of is the right usage

    Correct Option: A

    desirous (Adj.) : having a wish for something; wanting something; desirous agrees
    with Prep.-of
    Here, of is the right usage

Direction: In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word (s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

  1. The bride settled ____ very well in the new environment.

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    settle down (Phr. V.) : to start in order to have a quieter way of life
    settle on (Phr. V.) : to choose or make a decision about something after thinking about it
    Here, down is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    settle down (Phr. V.) : to start in order to have a quieter way of life
    settle on (Phr. V.) : to choose or make a decision about something after thinking about it
    Here, down is the right usage.

  1. The farmers suffered because the monsoon did not arrive ____ time.

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    arrive on time : arrive exactly at the correct time
    Here, on is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    arrive on time : arrive exactly at the correct time
    Here, on is the right usage.

  1. Desire ____ self-expression is one of the basic qualities of man.

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    desire (Noun) agrees with Prep.-for
    Here, for is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    desire (Noun) agrees with Prep.-for
    Here, for is the right usage.