Selecting Words

Direction: In the following questions, the sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative.

  1. What good fortune! I found the very thing I was ________!

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    (1) look for : to hope for something
    Here, looking for is the right option.

    Correct Option: D

    (1) look for : to hope for something
    Here, looking for is the right option.

Direction: The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative.

  1. They abandoned their comrades ______ the wolves.

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    For more than two things, among should be used.
    Hence, among is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    For more than two things, among should be used.
    Hence, among is the right usage.

  1. Few people know that flowers use textures to _______ different kinds of insects.

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    (1) attract (V.) : to interest something.
    Here, attract is the right option.

    Correct Option: C

    (1) attract (V.) : to interest something.
    Here, attract is the right option.

  1. The clock has ______ for want of winding.

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    (1) run down (Phr. V.) : to lose power or stop working; to gradually stop functioning.
    run short (Id.) : to become scanty/insufficient in supply
    run past (Phr. V.) : to run near/ alongside someone/something from one side to the other
    run up (Phr. V.) : accumulate
    Here, run down is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    (1) run down (Phr. V.) : to lose power or stop working; to gradually stop functioning.
    run short (Id.) : to become scanty/insufficient in supply
    run past (Phr. V.) : to run near/ alongside someone/something from one side to the other
    run up (Phr. V.) : accumulate
    Here, run down is the right usage.

  1. Please don’t ______ me when I’m speaking

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    Structure of Imperative Sentence :
    Do/does + not + V1 (Infinitive without to)
    Hence, interrupt is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    Structure of Imperative Sentence :
    Do/does + not + V1 (Infinitive without to)
    Hence, interrupt is the right usage.