Selecting Words

Direction: In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer.

  1. Mother had prepared 20 biscuits, Raj ate all of them. Therefore, mother called him a ..........

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    glutton (Noun) : a person who eats too much
    digester (Noun) : one that digests makes a digest (a piece of writing)
    Here, glutton is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    glutton (Noun) : a person who eats too much
    digester (Noun) : one that digests makes a digest (a piece of writing)
    Here, glutton is the right usage.

  1. You are fortunate .......... having an intelligent and obedient son.

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    fortunate (Adj.) used differently :
    • I have been fortunate enough to visit many parts of the world.
    • I was fortunate in having a good teacher.
    • It was very fortunate for him that I arrived on time.
    Here, in is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    fortunate (Adj.) used differently :
    • I have been fortunate enough to visit many parts of the world.
    • I was fortunate in having a good teacher.
    • It was very fortunate for him that I arrived on time.
    Here, in is the right usage.

  1. Let us sit down ......... the shade of a tree for sometime.

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    in (Prep.) : at a point within an area or a space
    below (Prep.) : at or to a lower level than somebody or something
    beneath (Prep.) : in or to a lower position from somebody or something
    Here, in is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    in (Prep.) : at a point within an area or a space
    below (Prep.) : at or to a lower level than somebody or something
    beneath (Prep.) : in or to a lower position from somebody or something
    Here, in is the right usage.

  1. We ........ respect our parents and teachers.

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    ought to (Mod. V.) : used for saying what is the right thing to do
    Here, ought to is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    ought to (Mod. V.) : used for saying what is the right thing to do
    Here, ought to is the right usage.

  1. He ___ before the court that he was innocent of the crime.

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    declared (Verb) : to say or state in an official or public way; to say in a strong and confident way
    Here, declared is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    declared (Verb) : to say or state in an official or public way; to say in a strong and confident way
    Here, declared is the right usage.