Selecting Words

Direction: In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

  1. The headmaster congratulated Rajan ____ getting the merit scholarship.

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    congratulate (Verb) : agrees with Prep.-on
    Here, on is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    congratulate (Verb) : agrees with Prep.-on
    Here, on is the right usage.

  1. Children below the age of fourteen should be ______ sent to school.

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    Here, compulsorily (Adv.) is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    Here, compulsorily (Adv.) is the right usage.

  1. Girls generally ____ in their mother.

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    Here, confide (Verb) is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    Here, confide (Verb) is the right usage.

  1. Appearances are _____.

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    deceptive (Adj.) : misleading
    Here, deceptive is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    deceptive (Adj.) : misleading
    Here, deceptive is the right usage.

  1. A.R. Rahman ____ the music for Commonwealth Games 2010.

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    composed (Verb) : wrote music
    Here, composed is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    composed (Verb) : wrote music
    Here, composed is the right usage.