Selecting Words

Direction: In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word (s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

  1. Hamid .................. in Mumbai for three years when his parents came to visit.

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    The sentence expresses a longer action in the Past (Hamid, living) before another action
    (came to visit). So, Past Perfect Continuous Tense had been living is the right usage

    Correct Option: D

    The sentence expresses a longer action in the Past (Hamid, living) before another action
    (came to visit). So, Past Perfect Continuous Tense had been living is the right usage

  1. The old man could not remember where he ......... his money.

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    The sentence is in Indirect Speech Past time. So, Past Perfect Tense will be used.
    Here, had deposited is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    The sentence is in Indirect Speech Past time. So, Past Perfect Tense will be used.
    Here, had deposited is the right usage.

  1. Just as in a family it is the willing cooperation of its members that ___ happiness and contentment,
    so is it in the larger family of the nation.

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    When Singular Subjects are antecedents of that, the sentence takes a Singular Verb. willing cooperation is a Singular Subject.
    Here, brings is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    When Singular Subjects are antecedents of that, the sentence takes a Singular Verb. willing cooperation is a Singular Subject.
    Here, brings is the right usage.

  1. Children enjoy _____ the TV programmes.

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    watching is the Direct Object of the Verb-enjoy.
    Here, watching is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    watching is the Direct Object of the Verb-enjoy.
    Here, watching is the right usage.

  1. You have all come well prepared. I _____ you to pass this exam.

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    expect (Verb ) : to look forward to the probable occurrence
    wish (Verb) : to want or desire
    hope (Verb ) : to wish for a particular event that one considers possible Hope can be used in the Passive in the form it is hoped that...
    Here, expect is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    expect (Verb ) : to look forward to the probable occurrence
    wish (Verb) : to want or desire
    hope (Verb ) : to wish for a particular event that one considers possible Hope can be used in the Passive in the form it is hoped that...
    Here, expect is the right usage.