Selecting Words

Direction: In each of the following questions, a sentence given with blanks is to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for the question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

  1. The order is _________ and you must abide by it, as there is not even the slightest chance of its being modified or withdrawn.

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    irrevocable (Adj.) : that cannot be changed; final.
    irretrievable (Adj.) : irreparable; not able to be put right or got back
    irreconcilable (Adj.) : incompatible; at variance; not possible to settle.
    irreparable (Adj.) : too bad or too serious to repair.
    Here, irrevocable is the right option.

    Correct Option: C

    irrevocable (Adj.) : that cannot be changed; final.
    irretrievable (Adj.) : irreparable; not able to be put right or got back
    irreconcilable (Adj.) : incompatible; at variance; not possible to settle.
    irreparable (Adj.) : too bad or too serious to repair.
    Here, irrevocable is the right option.

  1. He talked on and on _______.

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    ad infinitum : without ever coming to an end.
    voraciously (Adv.) : in a way that involves eating/wanting large amounts of food
    ad interim (Adv.) : temporarily
    Here, ad infinitum is the right option.

    Correct Option: A

    ad infinitum : without ever coming to an end.
    voraciously (Adv.) : in a way that involves eating/wanting large amounts of food
    ad interim (Adv.) : temporarily
    Here, ad infinitum is the right option.

  1. He would always be late with submission because he would ______ whatever he was supposed to do.

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    procrastinate (V.) : to delay doing something that you should do; put off doing
    prevaricate (V.) : be unclear inorder to mislead/withohold information
    interrogate (V.) : pose a series of questions to
    discriminate (V.) : distinguish; treat differently
    Here, procrastinate is the right option.

    Correct Option: B

    procrastinate (V.) : to delay doing something that you should do; put off doing
    prevaricate (V.) : be unclear inorder to mislead/withohold information
    interrogate (V.) : pose a series of questions to
    discriminate (V.) : distinguish; treat differently
    Here, procrastinate is the right option.

  1. Eight cylinder engines are ______ that use great amount of petrol.

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    device (N.) : a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job.
    Here, devices is the right option.

    Correct Option: B

    device (N.) : a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job.
    Here, devices is the right option.

  1. ___ man standing in that corner is a police man in plain clothes.

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    Here, a particular man is being mentioned. Hence, The (Def. Art.) is the right option.

    Correct Option: D

    Here, a particular man is being mentioned. Hence, The (Def. Art.) is the right option.