Selecting Words

Direction: The following sentence is given with a blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

  1. I am ______ on leave from tomorrow.

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    (1) proceed on leave : go on leave
    Here, proceeding is the right option.

    Correct Option: D

    (1) proceed on leave : go on leave
    Here, proceeding is the right option.

  1. The mission of this institution is to ____ young minds to explore their ability.

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    (1) catalyse (V.) : to make a process happen faster.
    (2) cackle (V.) : talk/utter in a cackling manner
    (3) combat (V.) : battle/contend against in/as if in a battle
    Here, catalyse is the right option

    Correct Option: A

    (1) catalyse (V.) : to make a process happen faster.
    (2) cackle (V.) : talk/utter in a cackling manner
    (3) combat (V.) : battle/contend against in/as if in a battle
    Here, catalyse is the right option

  1. As the weekend finally rolled around, the people were also too happy to laugh out the ___ away.

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    (1) cares (N.) : a feeling of worry or anxiety.
    Here, cares is the right option.

    Correct Option: C

    (1) cares (N.) : a feeling of worry or anxiety.
    Here, cares is the right option.

  1. The members could not arrive at a ______ regarding the issue.

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    (1) consensus (N.) : an opinion that all members of a group agree with.
    Here, consensus is the right option.

    Correct Option: D

    (1) consensus (N.) : an opinion that all members of a group agree with.
    Here, consensus is the right option.

  1. The minister has been ______ to the victims.

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    generous (Adj.) : giving or willing to give freely; given freely. generous is the right option.

    Correct Option: C

    generous (Adj.) : giving or willing to give freely; given freely. generous is the right option.