Selecting Words

Direction: In these questions, four words are given out of which only one is miss pelt. Find that misspelt word.

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    The misspelt word is idiosy
    The correct spelling is idiocy.

    Correct Option: C

    The misspelt word is idiosy
    The correct spelling is idiocy.

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    The misspelt word is allitration.
    The correct spelling is alliteration.

    Correct Option: A

    The misspelt word is allitration.
    The correct spelling is alliteration.

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    The misspelt word is sacrelege.
    The correct spelling is sacrilege

    Correct Option: B

    The misspelt word is sacrelege.
    The correct spelling is sacrilege

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    The misspelt word is exageration.
    The correct spelling is exaggeration.

    Correct Option: B

    The misspelt word is exageration.
    The correct spelling is exaggeration.

  1. He is sitting ..... a big stone

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    "On" is used in speaking of things at rest

    Correct Option: B

    "On" is used in speaking of things at rest