Selecting Words

Direction: In the following questions, four words are given, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.

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    Liaison (Noun) = cooperation or communication which facilitates a close working relationship.
    Look at the sentence :
    The head porter works in close liaison with the reception office.

    Correct Option: A

    Liaison (Noun) = cooperation or communication which facilitates a close working relationship.
    Look at the sentence :
    The head porter works in close liaison with the reception office.

  1. Select the word with the correct spelling.

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    Tapestry (Noun) = a piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs.
    Emanate (Verb ) = issue or spread out from a source
    Insisted = to be emphatic, firm or resolute.
    Coalesce (Verb) = to come together to form one mass or whole.

    Correct Option: A

    Tapestry (Noun) = a piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs.
    Emanate (Verb ) = issue or spread out from a source
    Insisted = to be emphatic, firm or resolute.
    Coalesce (Verb) = to come together to form one mass or whole.

  1. Select the word with the correct spelling.

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    Thespian = relating to drama and the theatre ; an actor or actress
    Oxidiser = a chemical which a fuel requires to burn
    Approval = acceptance ; agreement
    Secrete = produce and discharge

    Correct Option: B

    Thespian = relating to drama and the theatre ; an actor or actress
    Oxidiser = a chemical which a fuel requires to burn
    Approval = acceptance ; agreement
    Secrete = produce and discharge

  1. Select the word with the correct spelling.

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    Stumble (Verb) = almost fall; lose one’s balance
    Wrinkle (Wrinkled-Past tense) =form or become marked withlines or folds
    Bristle(s) = a short, stiff hair onan animal’s skin or a man’s face;hair
    Reassert = to do something to show that you still have power.

    Correct Option: C

    Stumble (Verb) = almost fall; lose one’s balance
    Wrinkle (Wrinkled-Past tense) =form or become marked withlines or folds
    Bristle(s) = a short, stiff hair onan animal’s skin or a man’s face;hair
    Reassert = to do something to show that you still have power.

  1. Select the word with the correct spelling.

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    Transmit (Verb) = transfer; to send an electronic signal, radio or television broadcast etc.
    Haunches = the tops of the legs and buttocks
    Exultant (Adjective) = jubilant; thrilled; triumphant.
    Market = sell, merchandise Market ⇒ Marketed (Past)

    Correct Option: D

    Transmit (Verb) = transfer; to send an electronic signal, radio or television broadcast etc.
    Haunches = the tops of the legs and buttocks
    Exultant (Adjective) = jubilant; thrilled; triumphant.
    Market = sell, merchandise Market ⇒ Marketed (Past)