Selecting Words

Direction: In these questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

  1. My friend has written a ..... account of his journey to the Mars.

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    factual (Adj.) : based on or containing facts
    factitious (Adj.) : not genuine but made to appear to be true
    fictional (Adj.) : not real or true; existing only in stories
    Here, factual is the right usage.

    Correct Option: D

    factual (Adj.) : based on or containing facts
    factitious (Adj.) : not genuine but made to appear to be true
    fictional (Adj.) : not real or true; existing only in stories
    Here, factual is the right usage.

  1. A wise man profits ..... the mistakes of others.

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    from (Prep.) is used for expressing that something comes from something else
    Here, from is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    from (Prep.) is used for expressing that something comes from something else
    Here, from is the right usage.

  1. Your father used to be the principal of this college, ____ ?

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    didn’t is the right Auxiliary to be used with used to.
    Here, didn’t he ? is the right usage.

    Correct Option: C

    didn’t is the right Auxiliary to be used with used to.
    Here, didn’t he ? is the right usage.

  1. Everyone in this world is accountable to God _____ his actions.

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    accountable (Adj.) : responsible for your decisions or actions
    Here, for is the right usage.

    Correct Option: B

    accountable (Adj.) : responsible for your decisions or actions
    Here, for is the right usage.

  1. As he got older his belief in these principles did not ______.

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    wither (Verb) : to become less
    waver (Verb) : to become weak or unsteady
    dither (Verb) : to hesitate about what to do because you are unable to decide
    Here, wither is the right usage.

    Correct Option: A

    wither (Verb) : to become less
    waver (Verb) : to become weak or unsteady
    dither (Verb) : to hesitate about what to do because you are unable to decide
    Here, wither is the right usage.