Architecture and Planning Miscellaneous-topic
- Identify the 'pre-historic' structures in t he following:
P. Mastaba
Q. Dolmen
R. Menhir
S. Pylon
T. Stonehenge
U. Thermae
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Mast aba,Pyl on, and Ther maeare not prehistoric structures.
Correct Option: D
Mast aba,Pyl on, and Ther maeare not prehistoric structures.
- A microwave oven of 3 kW rating is operated for 30 minutes, a hot water geyser of 1 kW rating is operated for 15 minutes, and 5 fluorescent lamps of 60 W are operated for 6 hours. The total power consumed (in kWh) will be
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Total power = 3 × 0.5 + 1 × .25 + 0.3 × 6
Total power = 3.55 kWCorrect Option: B
Total power = 3 × 0.5 + 1 × .25 + 0.3 × 6
Total power = 3.55 kW
- Match the elements of a Buddhist Stupa in Group I with their traditional names in Group II:
Group I Group II P. Hemispherical Dome 1. Vedika Q. Peripheral Railing 2. Anda R. Entrance Gateway 3. Harmika S. Portion above dome 4. Nagara 5. Chaitya 6. Torana
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P-2, Q-1, R-6, S-3 Elements of Buddhist Stupa:-
Correct Option: A
P-2, Q-1, R-6, S-3 Elements of Buddhist Stupa:-
- A commercial plot measures 100 m × 80 m. If the permissible Floor Space Index (FSI) is 3.0, and 50% of the ground is covered, then the maximum number of floors that can be built is
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FSI = (Floor space covered in all floors) Area of the plot 3 = No. of Floors × 4000 8000
No. of Floors = 6Correct Option: C
FSI = (Floor space covered in all floors) Area of the plot 3 = No. of Floors × 4000 8000
No. of Floors = 6
- Match the urban design elements in Group I with their descriptions in Group II:
Group I Group II P. District 1. Recognizable as having some common identifying character Q. Landmark 2. Centre of activity R. Node 3. Network of major and minor routes S. Pathway 4. Prominent visual feature of the city
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P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1
Correct Option: A
P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1