Architecture and Planning Miscellaneous-topic

Architecture and Planning Miscellaneous-topic

Architecture and Planning Miscellaneous

  1. Which of the following processes is NOT adopted in solid waste management?

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    In colloid chemistry, flocculation refers to the process by which fine particulates are caused to clump together into a floc. The floc may then float to the top of the liquid (creaming), settle to the bottom of the liquid (sedimentation), or be readily filtered from the liquid.

    Correct Option: C

    In colloid chemistry, flocculation refers to the process by which fine particulates are caused to clump together into a floc. The floc may then float to the top of the liquid (creaming), settle to the bottom of the liquid (sedimentation), or be readily filtered from the liquid.

  1. The design element provided to ensure safety of a vehicle travelling at a prescribed design speed along the curved segment of a highway is

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    Super elevation is the amount by which the outer edge of a curve on a road or railway is banked above the inner edge. It helps to offset centripetal forces developed as the vehicle goes around a given curve. Along with the friction, on the road, super-elevation keeps vehicle from going off the road.

    Correct Option: B

    Super elevation is the amount by which the outer edge of a curve on a road or railway is banked above the inner edge. It helps to offset centripetal forces developed as the vehicle goes around a given curve. Along with the friction, on the road, super-elevation keeps vehicle from going off the road.

  1. The grade-separated interchange suitable for 3- legged road intersection is :

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    Correct Option: A

  1. State the right option representing strategic components arranged in ascending order of specified minimum area under Smart City Mission of Government of India.

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    Smart City Mission of Governemnt of India has three options for area-based proposal. The strategic components of Area-based development in the Smart Cities Mission are city improvement (retrofitting), city renewal (redevelopment) and city extension (Greenfield development) plus a Pan-city initiative in which Smart Solutions are applied covering larger parts of the city. The appropriate site for either of three types of development: retrofitting means addition of smart features in the existing core city (approx. 500 acres), redevelopment means proposal with entire demolition of existing built mass in core city (approx. 50 acres) or Greenfield development means entire fresh development at the fringe part of the city (approx. 250 acres).

    Correct Option: B

    Smart City Mission of Governemnt of India has three options for area-based proposal. The strategic components of Area-based development in the Smart Cities Mission are city improvement (retrofitting), city renewal (redevelopment) and city extension (Greenfield development) plus a Pan-city initiative in which Smart Solutions are applied covering larger parts of the city. The appropriate site for either of three types of development: retrofitting means addition of smart features in the existing core city (approx. 500 acres), redevelopment means proposal with entire demolition of existing built mass in core city (approx. 50 acres) or Greenfield development means entire fresh development at the fringe part of the city (approx. 250 acres).

  1. Excellence in Design for Gr eat er Efficiency (EDGE) programme DOES NOT focus on

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    Edge technology does not focus on Labor Safety.

    Correct Option: D

    Edge technology does not focus on Labor Safety.