Architecture and Planning Miscellaneous-topic

Architecture and Planning Miscellaneous-topic

Architecture and Planning Miscellaneous

  1. A room having dimension 12m × 10m × 3.5m is required to be mechanically ventilated by airconditioner. The temperature difference outdoor ambient air and the supply air is 12°C. Consider three air exchanges per hour. The volumetric specific heat of the air is 1250 J/m3 °C. Assume one ton of refrigeration (TR) is equal to 3.5kW. The capacity of the air-conditioner for the room in TR will be _______.

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    Rate of ventilation =
    (12 × 10 × 3.5 × 3)
    = 0.35

    Cooling load = 1250 × 0.35 × 12 = 5.25 kW = 1.5 TR

    Correct Option: B

    Rate of ventilation =
    (12 × 10 × 3.5 × 3)
    = 0.35

    Cooling load = 1250 × 0.35 × 12 = 5.25 kW = 1.5 TR

  1. A residential area of 20 hectares is planned for three different types of plots of 500 m2, 300 m2 and 200 m2 with numbers of plot in each category are 100, 120, 150 respectively. The rest of the area is allowed for roads and facilities such as school, shops and par ks. Each plot has one dwelling unit and the average household size is 5 persons. The net residential density of the area in person per hectare is ______.

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    Net Residential Density =
    Area under residential plots

    persons per hectare

    = 160.3 persons per hectare

    Correct Option: B

    Net Residential Density =
    Area under residential plots

    persons per hectare

    = 160.3 persons per hectare

  1. Match the characteristics of settlement systems in Column I with their corresponding theory/ rules in column II and select appropriate option.
    Column I Column II
    P. Primacy of settlements 1. Central place theory
    Q. Settlement size and 2. Gravity model location
    R. Random component 3. Rank size rule in location of settlement
    S. Interactions between 4. Entropy of settlements settlements
    5. Core periphery model

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    Central Place Theory (Christaller, 1933)
    Christaller’s model is based on the following assumptions that every part of the plain is served by a central place and the circles of influence of these central places fills the plain. A central place is a place offering a variety of goods in the centre of the market area, such as a village, town or city. In the K = 3 system or market principle optimises the markets of each central place. Supposing a region has three cities, then it will have 9 towns and 27 villages, and so on.

    Core Periphery Model, is a concept where Core regions are based on comparative advantages-resource endowment and location. Periphery is inaccessible, under populated and has poor resources. Favourable effects flow from center to periphery.
    The Rank size rule is an empirical regularity. The settlements within a defined area are ranked in descending order according to the size of their population. Urban primacy indicates the ratio of the largest city to the next largest i.e the second largest in a country.
    Gravity model, as social scientists refer to the modified law of gravitation, takes into account the population size of two places and their distance. The gravity model of migration is a model in urban geography derived from Newton’s law of gravity, and used to predict the degree of migration interaction between two places.
    Entropy is an important concept in the studies on complex systems such as cities. Spatial patterns and processes can be described with varied entropy functions. This model is a criterion to measure urban population distribution and the distribution of cities at urban classes in the region.

    Correct Option: D

    Central Place Theory (Christaller, 1933)
    Christaller’s model is based on the following assumptions that every part of the plain is served by a central place and the circles of influence of these central places fills the plain. A central place is a place offering a variety of goods in the centre of the market area, such as a village, town or city. In the K = 3 system or market principle optimises the markets of each central place. Supposing a region has three cities, then it will have 9 towns and 27 villages, and so on.

    Core Periphery Model, is a concept where Core regions are based on comparative advantages-resource endowment and location. Periphery is inaccessible, under populated and has poor resources. Favourable effects flow from center to periphery.
    The Rank size rule is an empirical regularity. The settlements within a defined area are ranked in descending order according to the size of their population. Urban primacy indicates the ratio of the largest city to the next largest i.e the second largest in a country.
    Gravity model, as social scientists refer to the modified law of gravitation, takes into account the population size of two places and their distance. The gravity model of migration is a model in urban geography derived from Newton’s law of gravity, and used to predict the degree of migration interaction between two places.
    Entropy is an important concept in the studies on complex systems such as cities. Spatial patterns and processes can be described with varied entropy functions. This model is a criterion to measure urban population distribution and the distribution of cities at urban classes in the region.

  1. Match the units in Column I with their corresponding items in Column II and select the appropriate option
    Column I Column II
    P. dB 1. Sound Intensity
    Q. Phon 2. Absorption of sound
    R. W/m2 3. Frequency of sound
    S. Sabine 4. Loudness
    5. Sound pressure level

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    Correct Option: D


  1. The stack pressure is created by 10m height of stack and 15°C temperature difference. The motive force due to the stack pressure over a cross section area of 2.5 m2 is _____N.

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    Stack effect or chimney effect is the movement of air into and out of buildings, chimneys, fluegas stacks, etc, resulting due to a difference in indoor-to-out door air density, resulting from temperature and moisture differences. The result is either a positive or negative buoyancy force. The greater the thermal difference and the height of the structure, the greater the buoyancy force, and thus the stack effect.
    Stack pressure in N/sq m, P = 0.042 × h × ∆T
    Stack pressure = 0.042 × 10 × 15 = 6.3 N/sq m
    Stack pressure over given cross-sectional area = 6.3 × 2.5 = 15.75 N

    Correct Option: A

    Stack effect or chimney effect is the movement of air into and out of buildings, chimneys, fluegas stacks, etc, resulting due to a difference in indoor-to-out door air density, resulting from temperature and moisture differences. The result is either a positive or negative buoyancy force. The greater the thermal difference and the height of the structure, the greater the buoyancy force, and thus the stack effect.
    Stack pressure in N/sq m, P = 0.042 × h × ∆T
    Stack pressure = 0.042 × 10 × 15 = 6.3 N/sq m
    Stack pressure over given cross-sectional area = 6.3 × 2.5 = 15.75 N