Power systems miscellaneous

  1. If transformer frequency is changed from 50 Hz, to 60 Hz the ratio of eddy current loss 60 Hz, to 50 Hz at constant voltage will be __________

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    Correct Option: A


  1. An industrial consumer has a daily load pattern of 2000 kW, 0.8 lag for 12 Hrs. and 1000 kW UPF for 12 Hrs. The load factor is ________

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    Correct Option: A


  1. A single phase AC distributor supplies two single phase loads as shown in the given figure. The voltage drop from A to C is _________ V

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    Correct Option: C


  1. The cur r ent i n t he pr i mar y of t he gi ven transformer is _________ A

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    Correct Option: A


  1. A voltage of 1000 kV is applied to an overhead line with its receiving end open. If the surge impedance of the line is 500 ohm, then the total surge power in the line is _________ MW

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    Correct Option: B
