Power systems miscellaneous
- If the fault current is 2000 A, the relay setting is 50% and CT ratio is 400: 5, then plug setting multiplier will be _________ A
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Correct Option: A
- A small generating station has a busbar divided into three sections each section is connected to a tie bar with reactor each rated at 5 mVA, 0.1 p.u. reactance. A generator of 8mVA, rating and 0.15 p.u. reactance is connected to each section of the busbar. The short circuit capacit y of the breaker, if a 3 – φ fault takes place on one of the sections of the busbar, will be _________ mVA
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Let the base MVA be 8MVA,
Per unit reactance of the generator is 0.15 p.u., and per unit resistance of the reactor= 0.1 × 8 = 0.16 p.u. 5
Equivalent impedance,Zeq = j0.15 × j0.315 = j0.10161 j0.465
Short circuit capacity= Base MVA = 8 = 78.73 MVA j0.10161 Correct Option: B
Let the base MVA be 8MVA,
Per unit reactance of the generator is 0.15 p.u., and per unit resistance of the reactor= 0.1 × 8 = 0.16 p.u. 5
Equivalent impedance,Zeq = j0.15 × j0.315 = j0.10161 j0.465
Short circuit capacity= Base MVA = 8 = 78.73 MVA j0.10161
- The line currents in ampere in phases a, b and c respectively are (400 + j100), (75 – j600) and (– 300 + j500) referred to the same reference vector. The negative sequence components of currents will be _______ Amp.
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Correct Option: D
- When a line-to-ground fault occurs, the current in the phase is 100 A. The zero sequence current in this case will be _______ A
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For a L – G fault,
Ia0 = Ia1 = Ia2 and Ia = 3 Ia1∴ Ia0 = Ia = 100 = 33.3 A 212 3 3
Ia =(400 + j 100), Ib = (75 – j 600), Ic = (– 300 + j 500)
Ia2 = 1/3 (Ia + α² Ib + αIc)= 1 [(400 + j100) + (75 - j 600) |240° + (-300 + j 500)|120°] 3 = 1 [400 + j100 + (75 - j 600) + (-300 + j 500)(-0.5 + j0.86)] 3 = 1 [(400 + j100) + -553.5 + j235.5 - 280 - j 508] 3 = 1 [ - 415.5 - j 172.5] 3
= 149.96 |202.5°Correct Option: C
For a L – G fault,
Ia0 = Ia1 = Ia2 and Ia = 3 Ia1∴ Ia0 = Ia = 100 = 33.3 A 212 3 3
Ia =(400 + j 100), Ib = (75 – j 600), Ic = (– 300 + j 500)
Ia2 = 1/3 (Ia + α² Ib + αIc)= 1 [(400 + j100) + (75 - j 600) |240° + (-300 + j 500)|120°] 3 = 1 [400 + j100 + (75 - j 600) + (-300 + j 500)(-0.5 + j0.86)] 3 = 1 [(400 + j100) + -553.5 + j235.5 - 280 - j 508] 3 = 1 [ - 415.5 - j 172.5] 3
= 149.96 |202.5°
- In a power system with negligible resistance, the fault current at a point is 8.00 p.u. The series reactance to be included at the fault point to limit the short-circuit current to 5.00 p.u. is ______p.u.
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Correct Option: B