Power systems miscellaneous

  1. Buses for load flow studies are classified as (i) the load bus (ii) the generator bus (iii) the slace bus The correct combination of the pair of quantities specified having their usual meaning for different buses is
    Load Bus Generator Slace bus

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    Load bus = P, Q
    Generator bus = P, |V|
    Slack bus = |V|, δ

    Correct Option: B

    Load bus = P, Q
    Generator bus = P, |V|
    Slack bus = |V|, δ

  1. The bus admittance matrix of the network shown in the given figure, for which the marked parameters are per unit impedance, is

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    yjj = sum of all the admittance connected to node j
    yjk = negative of the admittance between nodes, j and k.
    Figures are the admittance value
    ∴ y11 = 10 + 5 = 15; y22 = 5,
    y12 = y21 = – 5;

    ∴ yBMS = 15    -5
    -5    5

    Correct Option: D

    yjj = sum of all the admittance connected to node j
    yjk = negative of the admittance between nodes, j and k.
    Figures are the admittance value
    ∴ y11 = 10 + 5 = 15; y22 = 5,
    y12 = y21 = – 5;

    ∴ yBMS = 15    -5
    -5    5

  1. The transmission line feeding power on either side of the main transmission line is called

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    Correct Option: B


  1. Series capacitive compensation on EHV transmission lines is used to

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    Correct Option: D


  1. At a particular unbalanced node, the real powers specified are leaving the node: 20 MW, 25 MW, Entering the node: 60 MW, 30 MW. The balance power will be

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    Correct Option: B
