Power systems miscellaneous

  1. The surge impedance of 50 miles long underground cable is 50 ohm. For a 25 miles length it will be ________ ohms

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    Correct Option: D


  1. A cable has following characteristics:
    L = 0.201 µH/m and C = 196.2 p/F/m.
    The velocity of wave propagation through the cable is ________ m/s

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    Correct Option: C


  1. A 60 Hz, 320 km lossless line has sending end voltage 1.0 p.u. The receiving end voltage on onload is _________ p.u.

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    Correct Option: A


  1. An overhead line having a surge impedance of 400 Ω is connected in sereis with an underground cable having a surge impedance of 100 Ω. If a source of 50 kV travels from the line end towards the line-cable junctions, the value of the transmitted volt age wave at the junction is ________ kV

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    Correct Option: A


  1. The insulation resistance of a cable of length 10 km is 1 MΩ. For a length of 100 km of the same cable, the insulation resistance will be _______MΩ

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    Correct Option: D
