Height and Distance

  1. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point 20 m away from its base is 45°. The height of the tower is :

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    Let us draw the figure from the given question.
    Let us assume the angle of elevation ∠MŌP = 45°.
    Given :- MO = 20 m
    In triangle MOP ,

    tan45° = PM

    Clearly,h = tan45 = 1

    Correct Option: B

    From the given figure , we can see that
    Let us assume the angle of elevation ∠MŌP = 45°. and The height of the tower = h
    Given :- MO = 20 m
    In triangle MOP ,

    tan45° = PM

    h = tan45° = 1

    ∴ h = 20 m

  1. From the top of a 25 m high, cliff the angle of elevation of a tower is found to be equal to the angle of depression of the foot of the tower. Find out the height of the tower.

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    Let us draw the figure from the given question.
    Let, AB be the cliff and CD be the tower. From B, draw BE ⊥ CD.
    Let us assume the angle of elevation ∠ACB = ∠EBD = α.

    Correct Option: C

    From the figure , we can see that
    Let, AB be the cliff and CD be the tower. From B, draw BE ⊥ CD.
    Given :- AB = 25 m
    In triangle EBD and ACB , we have

    DE = tan α and AB = tan α

    DE = AB

    ∴ DE = AB ( ∵ BE = AC)
    ∴ CD = CE + DE = AB + AB = 2AB = 2 x 25 = 50 m.

  1. The angle of elevation of a ladder leaning against a wall is 60º and the foot of the ladder is 12.4 m away from the wall. The length of the ladder is :

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    Consider the diagram is shown above where PR represents the ladder and RQ represent the wall.

    Correct Option: B

    Consider the diagram is shown above where PR represents the ladder and RQ represent the wall.
    Cos 60° = PQ / PR
    ⇒ 1 / 2 = 12.4 / PR
    ⇒ PR = 2 × 12.4 = 24.8 m

  1. A tower stands at the end of a straight road. The angles of elevation of the top of the tower from two points on the road 500 m apart are 45° and 60°, respectively. Find out the height of the tower.

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    Let us draw the figure from the given question.
    Given , CD = 500 m , θ1 = 45° and θ2 = 60°
    We know that

    (cot 45° - cot 60°) = CD

    ⇒ CD = AB (cot 45° - cot 60°)
    ⇒ AB =
    (cot 45° - cot 60°)

    Correct Option: A

    From given figure , we can see that
    Given , CD = 500 m , θ1 = 45° and θ2 = 60°
    We know that

    (cot 45° - cot 60°) = CD

    ⇒ CD = AB (cot 45° - cot 60°)
    ⇒ AB =
    (cot 45° - cot 60°)

    ⇒ AB = 500 =500 √3 m.
    1 -13 - 1

  1. When the sun is 30° above the horizontal, the length of shadow cast by a building 50 m high is :

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    Let us draw the figure from the given question.
    Let, AB be the building and AC be its shadow.
    Then, height of building AB = 50 m and θ = 30°.

    Correct Option: B

    Let us draw the figure from the given question.
    Let, AB be the building and AC be its shadow.
    Then, height of building AB = 50 m and θ = 30°.

    In triangle ACB , cotθ = AC

    AC = cot 30° = 3AC = √3

    ⇒ AC = 50 √3 m.
    Hence , the length of shadow cast by a building 50 m high is 50 √3 m .