
  1. If the sum of two numbers is 22 and the sum of their squares is 404, then the product of the numbers is :

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    Let the two numbers be A and B.
    Then, A + B = 22
    and A2 + B2 = 404
    We know that
    (A + B)2 = A2 + B2 + 2AB
    or  (22)2 = 404 + 2AB
    or  484 = 404 + 2 AB
    or  2AB = 80
    or  AB = 40
    ∴  The product of the two numbers = 40

    Correct Option: A

    Let the two numbers be A and B.
    Then, A + B = 22
    and A2 + B2 = 404
    We know that
    (A + B)2 = A2 + B2 + 2AB
    or  (22)2 = 404 + 2AB
    or  484 = 404 + 2 AB
    or  2AB = 80
    or  AB = 40
    ∴  The product of the two numbers = 40

  1. The square root of a positive number less than 100 lies between :

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    Since the numbers between –
    10 and 10 will be single digit and the numbers below 100 will be either one digit or two digit. We know that the square root of one or two digit number is always single digit number. Therefore, required answer is option (3).

    Correct Option: C

    Since the numbers between –
    10 and 10 will be single digit and the numbers below 100 will be either one digit or two digit. We know that the square root of one or two digit number is always single digit number. Therefore, required answer is option (3).

  1. If the number p is 5 more than q and the sum of the squares of p and q is 55, then the product of p and q is

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    p = q + 5
    ⇒  p – q = 5
    p2 + q2 = 55
    ∴  (p – q)2 + 2pq = 55
    ⇒  25 + 2 pq = 55
    ⇒  2 pq = 30
    ⇒  pq = 15

    Correct Option: C

    p = q + 5
    ⇒  p – q = 5
    p2 + q2 = 55
    ∴  (p – q)2 + 2pq = 55
    ⇒  25 + 2 pq = 55
    ⇒  2 pq = 30
    ⇒  pq = 15

  1. What number must be added to the expression 16a2 –12a to make it a perfect square ?

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    a2 – 2ab + b2 = (a – b)2
    ∴ 16a2 – 12a

    = (4a)2 – 2 × 4a ×

    Hence, on adding  

    expression will be a perfect square.

    Correct Option: A

    a2 – 2ab + b2 = (a – b)2
    ∴ 16a2 – 12a

    = (4a)2 – 2 × 4a ×

    Hence, on adding  

    expression will be a perfect square.

  1. The greatest 4 digit number which is a perfect square, is

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    99 × 99 = 9801

    Correct Option: C

    99 × 99 = 9801