Advanced Microprocessors

Advanced Microprocessors

  1. The supply voltage permissible for CMOS devices is—

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    Correct Option: C


  1. In ECL negative supply voltage is used because of—

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    As we know that CMRR is given by

    CMRR =

    where, Ad = differential mode gain
    Ac = common mode gain
    Ad = V1 – V2
    V1 = input voltage at inverting terminal
    Ac =
    V1 +V2

    V2 = input voltage at non-inverting terminal.
    Since we require high CMRR (i.e., CMRR → ∞), which is possible with low Ac (i.e., as Ac → 0), which is possible when V1 and V2 must be of opposite sign. This is the reason why we use negative supply voltage in ECL logic circuits.

    Correct Option: A

    As we know that CMRR is given by

    CMRR =

    where, Ad = differential mode gain
    Ac = common mode gain
    Ad = V1 – V2
    V1 = input voltage at inverting terminal
    Ac =
    V1 +V2

    V2 = input voltage at non-inverting terminal.
    Since we require high CMRR (i.e., CMRR → ∞), which is possible with low Ac (i.e., as Ac → 0), which is possible when V1 and V2 must be of opposite sign. This is the reason why we use negative supply voltage in ECL logic circuits.

  1. CMOS logic consists of—

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    CMOS logic consists of equal no. of p-channel and n-channel devices.

    Correct Option: C

    CMOS logic consists of equal no. of p-channel and n-channel devices.

  1. Match each of the items a, b and c on the left with an approximate item on the right—
    (a) A shift register can be used(1) for code conversion
    (b) A multiplexer can be used (2) to generate memory chip to select
    (c) A decoder can be used(3) for parallel-to-serial conversion
    (4) as a many to one switch
    (5) for analog to digital conversion

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    Correct Option: B


  1. For a MOD-12 counter, the Flip-Flop has a tpd = 60 ns. The NAND gate has a tpd of 25 ns. The maximum clock frequency is given by—

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    We know that Maximum frequency is given by

    ts + n tPd

    where, n = no. of flip-flop
    ts = propagation delay of gate
    t Pd = propagation delay of flip-flop.
    For Mod-12 counter we require 4 flip-flop
    (25 × 10−9 + 4 × 60 × 10−9)

    or fmax ≤ 3·774 MHz
    So, maximum frequency = 3·774 MHz
    Hence alternative (C) is the correct answer

    Correct Option: C

    We know that Maximum frequency is given by

    ts + n tPd

    where, n = no. of flip-flop
    ts = propagation delay of gate
    t Pd = propagation delay of flip-flop.
    For Mod-12 counter we require 4 flip-flop
    (25 × 10−9 + 4 × 60 × 10−9)

    or fmax ≤ 3·774 MHz
    So, maximum frequency = 3·774 MHz
    Hence alternative (C) is the correct answer