Advanced Microprocessors

Advanced Microprocessors

  1. The logic family with highest noise margins is—

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    Correct Option: A


  1. The logic family which is most suitable in the industrial environment is—

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    As in the industrial environment, there is a lot of possibility of noise, so in such environment we need a logic having high noise margin. So among the given logic family HTL (high threshold logic) have highest Noise-Margin i.e., best suited for industrial environment.

    Correct Option: B

    As in the industrial environment, there is a lot of possibility of noise, so in such environment we need a logic having high noise margin. So among the given logic family HTL (high threshold logic) have highest Noise-Margin i.e., best suited for industrial environment.

  1. The output 0 and 1 level for TTL logic family is approximately—

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    Alternative (B) is most appropriate for a TTL logic family.

    Correct Option: B

    Alternative (B) is most appropriate for a TTL logic family.

  1. The maximum frequency at which digital data can be applied to gate is defined as—

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    Correct Option: A


  1. The allowable supply voltage range for TTL logic gate family is—

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    Correct Option: C
