Advanced Microprocessors

Advanced Microprocessors

  1. The circuit is a—

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    Figure shows NOR gate S-R latch or we can say S-R Flip-Flop.

    Correct Option: D

    Figure shows NOR gate S-R latch or we can say S-R Flip-Flop.

  1. What is frequency of the pulse at point a, b, c, d in circuit?

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    ∴ Ring counter is a N: 1 divider, where N = no. of bits.

    a =
    = 10kHz

    MOD 20 counter is a divided by 20 counter, so
    ∴ b =
    = 500Hz

    4 bit parallel counter ⇒ 4 flip-flop used
    Hence, 24 = 16, stages i.e., MOD-16 counter, so.
    ∴ C =
    = 31.25Hz

    4 bit Johnson counter is a 2N: 1 divider, where N is the no. of bit
    ∴ d =
    = 3.9Hz

    Hence alternative (B) is the correct answer.

    Correct Option: B

    ∴ Ring counter is a N: 1 divider, where N = no. of bits.

    a =
    = 10kHz

    MOD 20 counter is a divided by 20 counter, so
    ∴ b =
    = 500Hz

    4 bit parallel counter ⇒ 4 flip-flop used
    Hence, 24 = 16, stages i.e., MOD-16 counter, so.
    ∴ C =
    = 31.25Hz

    4 bit Johnson counter is a 2N: 1 divider, where N is the no. of bit
    ∴ d =
    = 3.9Hz

    Hence alternative (B) is the correct answer.

  1. AB + A′C + BC is equivalent to—

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    AB + A′C + BC
    = AB (C + C′) + A′C (B + B′) + BC (A + A′)
    ∴ C + C′ = B + B′ = A + A′ = 1
    = ABC + ABC′ + A′CB + A′CB′ + BCA + BCA′
    = ABC + ABC′ + A′CB + A′CB′ + BCA
    = AB (C + C′) + A′C (B + B′) + BCA
    = AB + A′C + BCA
    = AB (C + 1) + A′C
    = AB + A′C

    Correct Option: B

    AB + A′C + BC
    = AB (C + C′) + A′C (B + B′) + BC (A + A′)
    ∴ C + C′ = B + B′ = A + A′ = 1
    = ABC + ABC′ + A′CB + A′CB′ + BCA + BCA′
    = ABC + ABC′ + A′CB + A′CB′ + BCA
    = AB (C + C′) + A′C (B + B′) + BCA
    = AB + A′C + BCA
    = AB (C + 1) + A′C
    = AB + A′C

  1. (A′ + B′ + C′)′ is equal to—

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    = (A′ + B′ + C′)′
    = A′′. B′′. C′′
    = ABC
    Hence (B) is the correct alternative.

    Correct Option: B

    = (A′ + B′ + C′)′
    = A′′. B′′. C′′
    = ABC
    Hence (B) is the correct alternative.

  1. Given Boolean theorem AB + A′C + BC = AB + A′C which of the following is true?

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    For the given Boolean theorem
    AB + A′C + BC = AB + A′C
    Apply dual property, we get:
    (A + B) (A′ + C) (B + C) = (A + B) (A′ + C)
    Hence alternative (A) is the correct answer.

    Correct Option: A

    For the given Boolean theorem
    AB + A′C + BC = AB + A′C
    Apply dual property, we get:
    (A + B) (A′ + C) (B + C) = (A + B) (A′ + C)
    Hence alternative (A) is the correct answer.