Advanced Microprocessors

Advanced Microprocessors

  1. How many flip-flop are needed to divide the frequency by 8?

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    23 = 8 means 3 flip-flop required.

    mg src = "">
    ∴ Frequency divided by 8. Hence alternative (C) is the correct answer.

    Correct Option: C

    23 = 8 means 3 flip-flop required.

    mg src = "">
    ∴ Frequency divided by 8. Hence alternative (C) is the correct answer.

  1. Which of the following condition must be met to avoid race around problem where, tp is propagation delay of the NAND gate, Δt is pulse width and T is period of pulse train?

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    Condition to avoid race around problem:

    where, Δt = Pulse width
    T = Period of pulse
    2tp = Propagation delay of two NAND gates or flip-flop.
    It may be noted that tp is the propagation delay of one gate. However any flip-flop made up of 4 NAND gates or NOR gates, and any input passes through 2 gates, that's why here we must take 2tp propagation delay.

    Correct Option: B

    Condition to avoid race around problem:

    where, Δt = Pulse width
    T = Period of pulse
    2tp = Propagation delay of two NAND gates or flip-flop.
    It may be noted that tp is the propagation delay of one gate. However any flip-flop made up of 4 NAND gates or NOR gates, and any input passes through 2 gates, that's why here we must take 2tp propagation delay.

  1. The decimal equivalent of hexadecimal number E5 is—

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    14 × (16)1 + 5 × (16)° = 229 = decimal equivalent (E)8 = (14)10 Hence alternative (B) is the correct answer.

    Correct Option: B

    14 × (16)1 + 5 × (16)° = 229 = decimal equivalent (E)8 = (14)10 Hence alternative (B) is the correct answer.

  1. The widely used code in data communication is

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    Correct Option: B


  1. A 3-stage walkingar creeping counter is given below:

    How many states does this counter pass through before repeating? What is the modulo?

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    As we don't know the value of Q = 1 or 0, so there can be 2 possible sequence.

    Hence, modulo cannot be determined unless other information regarding initial value of Q given.

    Correct Option: D

    As we don't know the value of Q = 1 or 0, so there can be 2 possible sequence.

    Hence, modulo cannot be determined unless other information regarding initial value of Q given.