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Advanced Microprocessors

  1. Which of the following condition must be met to avoid race around problem where, tp is propagation delay of the NAND gate, Δt is pulse width and T is period of pulse train?
    1. Δt < tp < T
    2. Δt < 2 tp < T
    3. T > 2 Δt > tp
    4. T > t p > 2 Δt
Correct Option: B

Condition to avoid race around problem:

where, Δt = Pulse width
T = Period of pulse
2tp = Propagation delay of two NAND gates or flip-flop.
It may be noted that tp is the propagation delay of one gate. However any flip-flop made up of 4 NAND gates or NOR gates, and any input passes through 2 gates, that's why here we must take 2tp propagation delay.

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