Advanced Microprocessors

Advanced Microprocessors

  1. Identify the operation of circuit in negative level logic system—

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    Correct Option: D

  1. The value of X. 1 is—

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    X 1 = X (X nor) 1 = X·1 + X 1 = X
    Hence alternative (B) is the correct answer.

    Correct Option: B

    X 1 = X (X nor) 1 = X·1 + X 1 = X
    Hence alternative (B) is the correct answer.

  1. Identify the circuit—

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    F1 = AB
    F2 = (ABA)′ = AB + A′
    F3 = (ABB)’ = AB + B′
    Y=F2 F3 = (AB + A′) (AB + B′)′
    = (AB + A′B′)′
    = A′B + AB′
    = X OR gate.
    Hence alternative (B) is the correct answer.

    Correct Option: B


    F1 = AB
    F2 = (ABA)′ = AB + A′
    F3 = (ABB)’ = AB + B′
    Y=F2 F3 = (AB + A′) (AB + B′)′
    = (AB + A′B′)′
    = A′B + AB′
    = X OR gate.
    Hence alternative (B) is the correct answer.

  1. Match correctly—
    CounterNumber of states
    (a) Ripple counter1. 2N
    (b) Johnson Counter 2. N
    (c) Ring Counter3. 2N
    (d) Sequence counter 4. 2N – 1

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    Correct Option: C


  1. To realise the given truth table from the circuit shown in figure, the input to J in terms of A and B would be—

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    From truth table if we form K map, we get

    J = AB + AB = B (A + A) = B

    Correct Option: C

    From truth table if we form K map, we get

    J = AB + AB = B (A + A) = B