Advanced Microprocessors

Advanced Microprocessors

  1. The gate whose output is Low if and only if all the inputs are High is—

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    Truth Table of NAND Gate

    Correct Option: A

    Truth Table of NAND Gate

  1. Hamming codes are used for error detection and correction. If the minimum hamming distance is m, then the number of errors correctable is—

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    Hamming codes are used for error detection and correction. If the minimum Hamming distance is m, then the number of error correctable is less than m/2.

    Correct Option: B

    Hamming codes are used for error detection and correction. If the minimum Hamming distance is m, then the number of error correctable is less than m/2.

  1. Hamming codes are used for error detection and correction. If the minimum hamming distance is m, then the number of errors correctable is—

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    Hamming codes are used for error detection and correction. If the minimum Hamming distance is m, then the number of error correctable is less than m/2.

    Correct Option: B

    Hamming codes are used for error detection and correction. If the minimum Hamming distance is m, then the number of error correctable is less than m/2.

  1. The number of bits in a binary PCM system is increased from n to n + 1. As a result, the signal to quantization noise ratio will improve by the—

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    Correct Option: C


  1. By placing an inverter between both input of an S–R flipflop, it becomes—

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    D flip-flop

    Correct Option: B

    D flip-flop