Advanced Microprocessors

Advanced Microprocessors

  1. Match each of the items a, b and c on the left with an approximate item on the right—
    (a) A shift register can be used(1) for code conversion
    (b) A multiplexer can be used (2) to generate memory chip to select
    (c) A decoder can be used(3) for parallel-to-serial conversion
    (4) as a many to one switch
    (5) for analog to digital conversion

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    Correct Option: B


  1. CMOS logic consists of—

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    CMOS logic consists of equal no. of p-channel and n-channel devices.

    Correct Option: C

    CMOS logic consists of equal no. of p-channel and n-channel devices.

  1. Resistor free logic gate family—

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    Correct Option: A


  1. An IC containing more than 100000 gates will be designated as—

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    Correct Option: C


  1. Which of the following parameters is not specified for digital ICs?

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    Correct Option: A
