Heat Transfer Miscellaneous

  1. A plate having 10 cm2 area each side is hanging in the middle of a room of 100 m2 total surface area. The plate temperature and emissivity are respectively 800 K and 0.6. The temperature and emissivity value for the surfaces of the room are 300 K and 0.3 respectively. Boltzmann's constant σ = 5.67 × 10-8 W/m2K4. The total heat loss from the two surfaces of the plate is

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    Heal loss from one surface of the plate,

    Putting A1 = 10 × 10–4 m2, T1 = 800
    ε1 = 0.6 T2 = 300
    A2 = 100 m2
    ε2 = 0.3

    ∴ Heat loss from both the surfaces
    = 2 Qnet
    = 2 × 13.66 = 27.32 W

    Correct Option: B

    Heal loss from one surface of the plate,

    Putting A1 = 10 × 10–4 m2, T1 = 800
    ε1 = 0.6 T2 = 300
    A2 = 100 m2
    ε2 = 0.3

    ∴ Heat loss from both the surfaces
    = 2 Qnet
    = 2 × 13.66 = 27.32 W

  1. A 100 W electric bulb was switched on in a 2.5 m × 3 m × 3 m size thermally insulated room having a temperature of 20°C. The room temperature at the end of 24 hours will be

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    Heat generated by bulb = 100 × 24 × 60 × 60 Joule.
    ∴ Heat dissipated = ρ × V × Cv × (T – 20)
    ⇒ 100 × 24 × 60 × 60 = 1.24 × 9 × 2.5 × 3 × Cv (T – 20)
    ⇒ T = 450º

    Correct Option: D

    Heat generated by bulb = 100 × 24 × 60 × 60 Joule.
    ∴ Heat dissipated = ρ × V × Cv × (T – 20)
    ⇒ 100 × 24 × 60 × 60 = 1.24 × 9 × 2.5 × 3 × Cv (T – 20)
    ⇒ T = 450º

Direction: Radiative heat transfer is intercepted between the inner surfaces of two very large isothermal parallel metal plates. While the upper plate (designated as plate 1) is a black surface and is the warmer one being maintained at 727°C, the lower plate (plate 2) is a diffuse and gray surface with an emissivity of 0.7 and is kept at 227°C. Assume that the surfaces are sufficiently large to form a two-surface enclosure and steady-state conditions to exist. Stefan-Boltzmann constant is given as 5.67 × 10-8W/m2K4.

  1. The irradiation (in kW/m2) for the plate (plate 1) is

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    T1 = 1000 K
    T2 = 500 K
    ε = 0.7

    Energy indicent upon plate 1 due to irradiation = Radiosity of plate 2
    Energy leaving surface 2 = E2 + (1– α 2) Eb1
    E2 = εσT24 = 0.7 × 5.67 × 10–8 × 5004
    = 2480.62 w/m2
    σ (1– α) Eb1 = Fraction of energy reflected from surface 2
    = (1–0.7) × 5.67×10–8 × 10004
    = 17010 w/m2
    ∴ Total energy incident upon plate 1 = 19.49 kW/m2

    Correct Option: D

    T1 = 1000 K
    T2 = 500 K
    ε = 0.7

    Energy indicent upon plate 1 due to irradiation = Radiosity of plate 2
    Energy leaving surface 2 = E2 + (1– α 2) Eb1
    E2 = εσT24 = 0.7 × 5.67 × 10–8 × 5004
    = 2480.62 w/m2
    σ (1– α) Eb1 = Fraction of energy reflected from surface 2
    = (1–0.7) × 5.67×10–8 × 10004
    = 17010 w/m2
    ∴ Total energy incident upon plate 1 = 19.49 kW/m2

  1. If plate 1 is also a diffuse and Gray surface with an emissivity value of 0.8, the net radiatibn heat exchange (in kW/m2) between plate 1 and plate 2 is

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    = 0.59
    ∴ Q = f 12 σb (T14 – T24)
    = 0.59 × 5.67 × (10000 – 625)
    = 31362.18 W/m2
    = 31.36 kW/m2
    1000 K = T A A (Black), εA = 0.8
    500 K = TB B(Grey), εB = 0.7
    Net heat exchange between A and B,

    Q = σ
    (T14 – T24)
    - 1

    (10004 – 5004)
    × 5.67 × 10-8
    - 1

    (1000)4 - (500)4
    1.25 + 1.4286 - 1

    (1000)4 - (500)4
    × 5.67 × 10-8


    ≈ 31.7 kW/m2

    Correct Option: D

    = 0.59
    ∴ Q = f 12 σb (T14 – T24)
    = 0.59 × 5.67 × (10000 – 625)
    = 31362.18 W/m2
    = 31.36 kW/m2
    1000 K = T A A (Black), εA = 0.8
    500 K = TB B(Grey), εB = 0.7
    Net heat exchange between A and B,

    Q = σ
    (T14 – T24)
    - 1

    (10004 – 5004)
    × 5.67 × 10-8
    - 1

    (1000)4 - (500)4
    1.25 + 1.4286 - 1

    (1000)4 - (500)4
    × 5.67 × 10-8


    ≈ 31.7 kW/m2

  1. Two large diffuse Gray parallel plates, separated by a small distance, have surface temperature of 400 K and 300 K. If the emissivities of the surfaces are 0.8 and the Stefan-Boltzmann constant is 5.67 × 10-8W/m2K4, the net radiation heat exchange rate in kW/m2 between the two plates is

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    qT-2 =
    0(T14 – T24)
    - 1

    5.67 × 10-8 (4004 - 3004)

    = 0.66 kW/m2

    Correct Option: A

    qT-2 =
    0(T14 – T24)
    - 1

    5.67 × 10-8 (4004 - 3004)

    = 0.66 kW/m2