Pipes and Cistern

  1. A cistern can be filled by two pipes. A and B in 12 minutes and 14 minutes respectively and can be emptied by a third pipe C in 8 minutes. If all the taps be turned on at the same moment, what part of cistern will remain unfilled at the end of 7 minutes ?

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    Time taken to fill the whole tank = (12 x 14 x 8) / (14 x 8 + 12 x 8 - 12 x 14) = 168/5 minutes

    Correct Option: B

    Time taken to fill the whole tank = (12 x 14 x 8) / (14 x 8 + 12 x 8 - 12 x 14) = 168/5 minutes
    ∴ In 7 minutes 5/168 x 7 = 5/24 part of the tank will be filled
    ∴ Requied answer = 1 - 5/24 = 19/24 part

  1. A cistern can be filled by two pipes in 30 and 40 minutes respectively. Both the pipes were opened at once, but after some time the first was shut up and the cistern was filled in 10 minutes more. How long after the pipes had opened was the first pipe shut up ?

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    Let the first pipe be shut up after x minutes
    Now, applying the given rule, we have 30{1 - (x + 10)/40 } = x

    Correct Option: B

    Let the first pipe be shut up after x minutes
    Now, applying the given rule, we have 30{1 - (x + 10)/40 } = x
    [Here t = (x + 10) minutes]
    or x = 90/7 minutes

  1. A cistern has a leak which would empty it in 15 hours. A tap is turned on which admits 2 litres per hour into the cistern and it is now emptied in 10 hours. How many litres does the cistern hold ?

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    Here w = 2 litres per hour
    ∴ Required answer = {(15 x 10) / (15 - 10)} x 2 = 60 litres.

    Correct Option: B

    Here w = 2 litres per hour
    ∴ Required answer = {(15 x 10) / (15 - 10)} x 2 = 60 litres.

  1. There are two tank A and B to fill up a water tank. The tank can be filled in 40 min, if both taps are on. The same tank can be filled in 60 min, if tap A alone is on. How much time will tap B alone take, to fill up the same tank ?

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    Part filled by tap A in 1 min = 1/60
    Let tap B fills the tank in x min
    Then, Part filled by tap, B in 1 min = 1/x
    According to the question,
    1/60 + 1/x = 1/40

    Correct Option: D

    Part filled by tap A in 1 min = 1/60
    Let tap B fills the tank in x min
    Then, Part filled by tap, B in 1 min = 1/x
    According to the question,
    1/60 + 1/x = 1/40
    ⇒ 1/x = 1/40 - 1/60
    &rArr ; 1/x = (3 - 2)/120
    &rArr ; 1/x = 1/120
    ∴ Tap B can fill the tank in 120 min.

  1. Three taps are fitted in a cistern. The empty cistern is filled by the first and the second taps in 3 and 4 h, respectively. The full cistern is emptied by the third tap in 5 h. If all three taps are opened simultaneously, the empty cistern will be filled up in ?

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    Part of tank filled by first tap in 1 h = 1/3
    Part of tank filled by second tap in 1 h = 1/4
    Part of tank emptied by third tap in 1 h = 1/5
    Part of the tank filled by all pipes opened simultaneously in 1 h
    = 1/3 + 1/4 - 1/5 = (20 + 15 - 12)/60 = 23/60

    Correct Option: B

    Part of tank filled by first tap in 1 h = 1/3
    Part of tank filled by second tap in 1 h = 1/4
    Part of tank emptied by third tap in 1 h = 1/5
    Part of the tank filled by all pipes opened simultaneously in 1 h
    = 1/3 + 1/4 - 1/5 = (20 + 15 - 12)/60 = 23/60
    Time taken by all the taps to fill the tank when it is empty = 23/60 h = 214/23 h