
Direction: A group of five words are given in each question. Choose the odd one out.

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    Cretinism is a hormonal disease while rest are deficiency diseases.

    Correct Option: B

    Cretinism is a hormonal disease while rest are deficiency diseases.

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    All are rodents or rat family, except cat.

    Correct Option: E

    All are rodents or rat family, except cat.

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    Paradeep is a port, while rest are atomic power station.

    Correct Option: D

    Paradeep is a port, while rest are atomic power station.

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    All are battle grounds except Sarnath which is related to Buddha ground.

    Correct Option: D

    All are battle grounds except Sarnath which is related to Buddha ground.

Direction: Rearrange the jumbled alphabets in the following four options and find the odd word among them.

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    According to the given information,
    (a) LPAEP - APPLE
    (b) YAPAP - PAPAYA
    (c) AVGAU - GUAVA
    Except 'RADISH' all others are fruits while Radish is vegetable.

    Correct Option: D

    According to the given information,
    (a) LPAEP - APPLE
    (b) YAPAP - PAPAYA
    (c) AVGAU - GUAVA
    Except 'RADISH' all others are fruits while Radish is vegetable.