Alphabet Test


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    In the first step one letter from the beginning and one letter from the end of the term is removed to give the next term. in the second step two letters from the beginning of a term are removed. These two steps are repeated alternatively and thus the missing term is UTI.

    Correct Option: C

    In the first step one letter from the beginning and one letter from the end of the term is removed to give the next term. in the second step two letters from the beginning of a term are removed. These two steps are repeated alternatively and thus the missing term is UTI.

  1. How many meaningful English words can be formed from the letter ADRW, using each letter only once in each word ?

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    Required words = DRAW and WARD

    Correct Option: C

    Required words = DRAW and WARD

  1. If the letter of the word 'VERTICAL' arranged alphabetically, how many letters will remain at the same position ?

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    Original word, V E R T I C A L
    Alphabetically, A C E I L R T V
    Alphabetically means arrange the word in alphabetic order.

    Correct Option: E

    Original word, V E R T I C A L
    Alphabetically, A C E I L R T V
    There is no letter which will remain at the same position

  1. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters ONDE, using each letter only once in each word ?

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    After rearranging the given word ONDE , we can form two words. Please try all possible combination of given words
    one by one.

    Correct Option: C

    After rearranging the given word ONDE , we can form two words.
    Required word = NODE, DONE

Direction: In each of the following questions various terms of an alphabet series are given with one or more terms missing as shown(?). choose the missing terms out of the given alternatives.


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    Each tern of the series is obtained by removing two letters from the preceding term - one from the beginning and one from the the end. So, the missing term is PENDICU.

    Correct Option: E

    Each tern of the series is obtained by removing two letters from the preceding term - one from the beginning and one from the the end. So, the missing term is PENDICU.