Area and Perimeter

  1. The cost of carpeting a room 15 meters long with a carpet 75 cm wide at 30 paisa per meter is Rs. 36. The breadth of the room is ?

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    Length of carpet = Total Cost / Rate
    = 3600 / 30
    = 120 m

    Area of carpet = (120 x 75) / 100 m2
    = 90 m2
    ∴ Area of the room = 90 m2

    Correct Option: A

    Length of carpet = Total Cost / Rate
    = 3600 / 30
    = 120 m

    Area of carpet = (120 x 75) / 100 m2
    = 90 m2
    ∴ Area of the room = 90 m2

    Breadth of the room = Area /Length
    = 90 / 15 m
    = 6m

  1. The length of a rectangle is double while its breadth is halved. What is the percentage change in area ?

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    Let length = l and breadth = b
    Then, area = lb

    New length = 2l
    and new breadth = b/2
    ∴ New area = ( 2l ) x (b/2) = lb

    Correct Option: C

    Let length = l and breadth = b
    Then, area = lb

    New length = 2l
    And new breadth = b/2
    ∴ New area = ( 2l ) x (b/2) = lb

    So, there is no change in area .

  1. The base of right-angled triangle is 5 meters and hypotenuse is 13 meters . Its area will be ?

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    Altitude = √(13)2 - (5)2
    = √144 = 12m

    Correct Option: C

    Altitude = √(13)2 - (5)2
    = √144 = 12m

    ∴ Area of the triangle = (5 x 12 ) / 2 m2
    = 30m2