Economics miscellaneous

Economics miscellaneous

  1. Opportunity cost of production of a commodity is

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    The concept of opportunity cost is based on scarcity and choice. The opportunity cost of a commodity is the next best alternative commodity sacrificed. In other words opportunity cost of a commodity is for going the opportunity to produce alternative goods and services. If one commodity is produced another commodity is sacrificed. So opportunity cost of producing a good is equal to the cost of not producing another commodity.

    Correct Option: D

    The concept of opportunity cost is based on scarcity and choice. The opportunity cost of a commodity is the next best alternative commodity sacrificed. In other words opportunity cost of a commodity is for going the opportunity to produce alternative goods and services. If one commodity is produced another commodity is sacrificed. So opportunity cost of producing a good is equal to the cost of not producing another commodity.

  1. If two commodities are complements, then their cross-price elasticity is

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    In economics, the cross elasticity of demand or cross-price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the demand for a good to a change in the price of another good. It is measured as the percentage change in demand for the first good that occurs in response to a percentage change in price of the second good. A negative cross elasticity denotes two products that are complements, while a positive cross elasticity denotes two substitute products.

    Correct Option: C

    In economics, the cross elasticity of demand or cross-price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the demand for a good to a change in the price of another good. It is measured as the percentage change in demand for the first good that occurs in response to a percentage change in price of the second good. A negative cross elasticity denotes two products that are complements, while a positive cross elasticity denotes two substitute products.

  1. In Economics the ‘Utility’ and ‘Usefulness’ have

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    In economics, utility is a representation of preferences over some set of goods and services. Preferences have a utility representation so long as they are transitive, complete, and continuous. Usefulness refers to which extent something is useful and the utility is the quality of that piece in practical use. Both are inter-related terms. Utility is a factor of usefulness term. Usefulness means having practical utility of a piece which is beneficial, pertinent and functional.

    Correct Option: B

    In economics, utility is a representation of preferences over some set of goods and services. Preferences have a utility representation so long as they are transitive, complete, and continuous. Usefulness refers to which extent something is useful and the utility is the quality of that piece in practical use. Both are inter-related terms. Utility is a factor of usefulness term. Usefulness means having practical utility of a piece which is beneficial, pertinent and functional.

  1. Production function explains the relationship between

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    Production function explains the relationship between factor input and output under given technology. It explains as to for increasing the output, in which proportion various inputs or factors may be employed under given technological conditions. In short, production function may be defined as a technological relationship that tells the maximum output producible from various combina-tions of inputs. Production function explains the physical relationship between input and output under given technology.

    Correct Option: A

    Production function explains the relationship between factor input and output under given technology. It explains as to for increasing the output, in which proportion various inputs or factors may be employed under given technological conditions. In short, production function may be defined as a technological relationship that tells the maximum output producible from various combina-tions of inputs. Production function explains the physical relationship between input and output under given technology.

  1. An exceptional demand curve is one that moves

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    A demand curve that violates the law of demand is termed an exceptional demand curve. If a household expects the price of a commodity to increase, it may start purchasing a greater amount of the commodity even at the presently increased price. Similarly, if the household expects the price of the commodity to decrease, it may postpone its purchases. Thus, law of demand is violated in such cases. In this case, the demand curve does not slope down from left to right; instead it presents a backward slope from the top right to down left. This curve is known as an exceptional demand curve.

    Correct Option: B

    A demand curve that violates the law of demand is termed an exceptional demand curve. If a household expects the price of a commodity to increase, it may start purchasing a greater amount of the commodity even at the presently increased price. Similarly, if the household expects the price of the commodity to decrease, it may postpone its purchases. Thus, law of demand is violated in such cases. In this case, the demand curve does not slope down from left to right; instead it presents a backward slope from the top right to down left. This curve is known as an exceptional demand curve.