Economics miscellaneous

Economics miscellaneous

  1. National Income is generated from:

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    National income is the monetary value of all goods and services produced by nationals of a country. Only productive activities are included in the computation of national income. All incomes earned through productive activities are included in national income. Income earned through unproductive activities is not included.

    Correct Option: B

    National income is the monetary value of all goods and services produced by nationals of a country. Only productive activities are included in the computation of national income. All incomes earned through productive activities are included in national income. Income earned through unproductive activities is not included.

  1. A rising Per Capita Income will indicate a better welfare if it is accompanied by

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    Per capita income has lately been viewed as a better determinant of economic development and welfare. However, high inequality can still diminish economic growth. So equal or more rationale distribution of income in the favour of the poor is the best way to ensure that the welfare is holistic and leaves no quarters deprived as after all, economic welfare is a part and parcel of social welfare.

    Correct Option: C

    Per capita income has lately been viewed as a better determinant of economic development and welfare. However, high inequality can still diminish economic growth. So equal or more rationale distribution of income in the favour of the poor is the best way to ensure that the welfare is holistic and leaves no quarters deprived as after all, economic welfare is a part and parcel of social welfare.

  1. Effective demand depends on

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    Effective Demand is "the demand in which the consumer are able and willing to purchase at conceivable price" simply saying if the product price is low more will buy; but if the rates go high then the quantity of the demand goes down. Keynes used two terms: Aggregate Demand Function or Price and Aggregate Supply Function or Price to explain the determination of effective demand.

    Correct Option: D

    Effective Demand is "the demand in which the consumer are able and willing to purchase at conceivable price" simply saying if the product price is low more will buy; but if the rates go high then the quantity of the demand goes down. Keynes used two terms: Aggregate Demand Function or Price and Aggregate Supply Function or Price to explain the determination of effective demand.

  1. Transfer payments include :

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    A transfer payment is a one- way payment of money for which no money, good, or service is received in exchange. Governments use such payments as means of income redistribution by giving out money under social welfare programs such as social security, old age or disability pensions, student grants, unemployment compensation, etc. Examples of certain transfer payments include welfare (financial aid), social security, and government making subsidies for certain businesses

    Correct Option: D

    A transfer payment is a one- way payment of money for which no money, good, or service is received in exchange. Governments use such payments as means of income redistribution by giving out money under social welfare programs such as social security, old age or disability pensions, student grants, unemployment compensation, etc. Examples of certain transfer payments include welfare (financial aid), social security, and government making subsidies for certain businesses

  1. Value of out put and value added can be distinguished if we know:

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    Intermediate consumption is an accounting flow which consists of the total monetary value of goods and services consumed or used up as inputs in production by enterprises, including raw materials, services and various other operating expenses. Intermediate consumption (unlike fixed assets) is not normally classified in national accounts by type of good or service, because the accounts will show net output by sector of activity. Because this value must be subtracted from Gross Output to arrive at GDP, how it is exactly defined and estimated will importantly affect the size of the GDP estimate.

    Correct Option: A

    Intermediate consumption is an accounting flow which consists of the total monetary value of goods and services consumed or used up as inputs in production by enterprises, including raw materials, services and various other operating expenses. Intermediate consumption (unlike fixed assets) is not normally classified in national accounts by type of good or service, because the accounts will show net output by sector of activity. Because this value must be subtracted from Gross Output to arrive at GDP, how it is exactly defined and estimated will importantly affect the size of the GDP estimate.