Economics miscellaneous

Economics miscellaneous

  1. Structural unemployment arises due to :

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    Structural unemployment is a form of unemployment resulting from a mismatch between demand in the labour market and the skills and locations of the workers seeking employment. Structural unemployment is a result of the dynamics of the labor market, such as agricultural workers being displaced by mechanized agriculture, unskilled laborers displaced by both mechanization and automation, or industries with declining employment. Many of these displaced workers are “left behind” due to costs of training and moving (e.g., the cost of selling one’s house in a depressed local economy), inefficiencies in the labor markets, such as discrimination or monopoly power, or because they are unsuited for work in growing sectors such as health care or high technology.

    Correct Option: D

    Structural unemployment is a form of unemployment resulting from a mismatch between demand in the labour market and the skills and locations of the workers seeking employment. Structural unemployment is a result of the dynamics of the labor market, such as agricultural workers being displaced by mechanized agriculture, unskilled laborers displaced by both mechanization and automation, or industries with declining employment. Many of these displaced workers are “left behind” due to costs of training and moving (e.g., the cost of selling one’s house in a depressed local economy), inefficiencies in the labor markets, such as discrimination or monopoly power, or because they are unsuited for work in growing sectors such as health care or high technology.

  1. Agricultural Technology is hard to spread because :

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    There are many benefits of using technology in agriculture system, but there are also negative aspects. Technology transfer is most difficult in agriculture because of the differences in natural conditions, such as weather, geographical features, plant ecology, and irrigation, which overlap social and institutional restrictions. When an agricultural technology is stable as a result of the limitations imposed by the existing national conditions and social system, the limits of production are empirically foreseeable.

    Correct Option: D

    There are many benefits of using technology in agriculture system, but there are also negative aspects. Technology transfer is most difficult in agriculture because of the differences in natural conditions, such as weather, geographical features, plant ecology, and irrigation, which overlap social and institutional restrictions. When an agricultural technology is stable as a result of the limitations imposed by the existing national conditions and social system, the limits of production are empirically foreseeable.

  1. Which among the following has the least possibility of globalisation?

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    Globalization can affect the labour market by increasing capacity of developing countries to create new opportunities for work and production following the alleviation of price distortions with respect to both labor and capital. Globalization on business management is an interconnection of international markets and managing businesses in a global industry. This includes management of resources for foreign investments whereby a company expands its business and invests in foreign countries. Globalization means inter-linkage among the countries of the globe. This can only happen when infrastructure is in proper shape. A well-developed infrastructure is an indispensable condition for faster globalization.

    Correct Option: B

    Globalization can affect the labour market by increasing capacity of developing countries to create new opportunities for work and production following the alleviation of price distortions with respect to both labor and capital. Globalization on business management is an interconnection of international markets and managing businesses in a global industry. This includes management of resources for foreign investments whereby a company expands its business and invests in foreign countries. Globalization means inter-linkage among the countries of the globe. This can only happen when infrastructure is in proper shape. A well-developed infrastructure is an indispensable condition for faster globalization.

  1. On the administered price of which of the following articles no subsidy is given?

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    In India, no subsidy is given to Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF). Indian Oil Aviation Service is a leading aviation fuel solution provider in India and the most preferred supplier of jet fuel to major international and domestic airlines. Jet fuel is a colorless, combustible, straight-run petroleum distillate liquid. The highly punitive fiscal regime in India is the primary problem for the aviation sector. The cost of Aviation Turbine Fuel in India is almost 60% higher than international benchmarks. Combined with a high base price, fuel now represents 45-55% of a carrier’s operating costs.

    Correct Option: B

    In India, no subsidy is given to Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF). Indian Oil Aviation Service is a leading aviation fuel solution provider in India and the most preferred supplier of jet fuel to major international and domestic airlines. Jet fuel is a colorless, combustible, straight-run petroleum distillate liquid. The highly punitive fiscal regime in India is the primary problem for the aviation sector. The cost of Aviation Turbine Fuel in India is almost 60% higher than international benchmarks. Combined with a high base price, fuel now represents 45-55% of a carrier’s operating costs.

  1. “Globalisation of Indian Economy” denotes :

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    Globalization means integrating the economy of a country with the economies of other countries or world economy under conditions of free flow of trade, capital and movement of persons across borders. In the Indian content, this implies opening up the economy to foreign direct investment by providing facilities to foreign companies to invest in different fields of economic activity in India; removing constraints and obstacles to the entry of MNCs in India allowing Indian companies to enter into foreign collaborations in India and also encouraging them to set up joint ventures abroad; carrying out massive import liberalization programmes by switching over from quantitative restrictions to tariffs in the first place and then bringing down the level of import duties considerably; and instead of a plethora of export incentives opting for exchange rate adjustments for promoting exports.

    Correct Option: B

    Globalization means integrating the economy of a country with the economies of other countries or world economy under conditions of free flow of trade, capital and movement of persons across borders. In the Indian content, this implies opening up the economy to foreign direct investment by providing facilities to foreign companies to invest in different fields of economic activity in India; removing constraints and obstacles to the entry of MNCs in India allowing Indian companies to enter into foreign collaborations in India and also encouraging them to set up joint ventures abroad; carrying out massive import liberalization programmes by switching over from quantitative restrictions to tariffs in the first place and then bringing down the level of import duties considerably; and instead of a plethora of export incentives opting for exchange rate adjustments for promoting exports.