Economics miscellaneous

Economics miscellaneous

  1. When price of a substitute of commodity ‘x’ falls, the demand for ‘x’ :

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    Cross Price Effect refers to effect on the demand for a given commodity due to a change in the price of a substitute commodity. A change (increase or decrease) in the price of substitutes directly affects the demand for a given commodity. When price of substitute goods (say, coffee) rises, demand for the given commodity (say, tea) also rises at its same price. It leads to a rightward shift in the demand curve of the given commodity. With decrease in price of substitute goods (coffee), demand for the given commodity (tea) also decreases. It shifts the demand curve of the given commodity towards left.

    Correct Option: A

    Cross Price Effect refers to effect on the demand for a given commodity due to a change in the price of a substitute commodity. A change (increase or decrease) in the price of substitutes directly affects the demand for a given commodity. When price of substitute goods (say, coffee) rises, demand for the given commodity (say, tea) also rises at its same price. It leads to a rightward shift in the demand curve of the given commodity. With decrease in price of substitute goods (coffee), demand for the given commodity (tea) also decreases. It shifts the demand curve of the given commodity towards left.

  1. By whom was the autonomous investment separated from induced investment ?

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    Under his concept of creative destruction, Schumpeter distinguished between two types of investment that he called induced and autonomous. Induced investment arose from the discrepancy between supply and demand and autonomous investment from resources and technology created by the entrepreneurs. He also introduced a concept of "saving up" which is different from saving in the neoclassical growth models. Saving up constituted the part of output that is withheld from investment and consumption.

    Correct Option: A

    Under his concept of creative destruction, Schumpeter distinguished between two types of investment that he called induced and autonomous. Induced investment arose from the discrepancy between supply and demand and autonomous investment from resources and technology created by the entrepreneurs. He also introduced a concept of "saving up" which is different from saving in the neoclassical growth models. Saving up constituted the part of output that is withheld from investment and consumption.

  1. Mixed Economy means :

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    A mixed economy is variously defined as an economic system consisting of a mixture of either markets and economic planning, public ownership and private ownership, or free markets and economic interventionism. All modern economies are mixed where the means of production are shared between the private and public sectors.

    Correct Option: B

    A mixed economy is variously defined as an economic system consisting of a mixture of either markets and economic planning, public ownership and private ownership, or free markets and economic interventionism. All modern economies are mixed where the means of production are shared between the private and public sectors.

  1. A tax is said to be regressive when its burden falls

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    In terms of individual income and wealth, a regressive tax imposes a greater burden on the poor than on the rich. There is an inverse relationship between the tax rate and the taxpayer’s ability to pay, as measured by assets, consumption, or income. These taxes tend to reduce the tax burden of the well-to-do, as they shift the burden disproportionately to the needy.

    Correct Option: B

    In terms of individual income and wealth, a regressive tax imposes a greater burden on the poor than on the rich. There is an inverse relationship between the tax rate and the taxpayer’s ability to pay, as measured by assets, consumption, or income. These taxes tend to reduce the tax burden of the well-to-do, as they shift the burden disproportionately to the needy.

  1. Taxes are as certain as the death, because

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    Benjamin Franklin’s utterance, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” when applied in economics means that the largest amount of revenue raised by governments comes from taxation. The proverb draws on the actual inevitability of death to highlight the difficulty in avoiding the burden of taxes.

    Correct Option: A

    Benjamin Franklin’s utterance, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” when applied in economics means that the largest amount of revenue raised by governments comes from taxation. The proverb draws on the actual inevitability of death to highlight the difficulty in avoiding the burden of taxes.