Economics miscellaneous

Economics miscellaneous

  1. A country’s balance of trade is unfavourable when —

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    The balance of trade, or net exports is the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports of output in an economy over a certain period. It is the relationship between a nation’s imports and exports. A positive balance is known as a trade surplus if it consists of exporting more than is imported; a negative balance is referred to as a trade deficit or, informally, a trade gap.

    Correct Option: B

    The balance of trade, or net exports is the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports of output in an economy over a certain period. It is the relationship between a nation’s imports and exports. A positive balance is known as a trade surplus if it consists of exporting more than is imported; a negative balance is referred to as a trade deficit or, informally, a trade gap.

  1. Multinational Corporation is also called

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    A Multinational corporation, also known as Transnational Corporation or International corporation, is a corporation that is registered in more than one country or that has operations in more than one country. It is a large corporation which both produces and sells goods or services in various countries. They play an important role in globalization.

    Correct Option: D

    A Multinational corporation, also known as Transnational Corporation or International corporation, is a corporation that is registered in more than one country or that has operations in more than one country. It is a large corporation which both produces and sells goods or services in various countries. They play an important role in globalization.

  1. Short term loans to correct Balance of Payments problems is given by

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    Upon initial IMF formation, its two primary functions were: to oversee the fixed exchange rate arrangements between countries, thus helping national governments manage their exchange rates and allowing these governments to prioritize economic growth, and to provide short-term capital to aid balance-of-payments.

    Correct Option: A

    Upon initial IMF formation, its two primary functions were: to oversee the fixed exchange rate arrangements between countries, thus helping national governments manage their exchange rates and allowing these governments to prioritize economic growth, and to provide short-term capital to aid balance-of-payments.

  1. Theoretically, trade between two countries takes place on account of

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    Trade exists for man due to specialization and division of labor, most people concentrate on a small aspect of production, trading for other products. Trade exists between regions because different regions have a comparative advantage in the production of some tradable commodity, or because different regions' size allows for the benefits of mass production thus providing cost advantage of producing the same commodity.

    Correct Option: C

    Trade exists for man due to specialization and division of labor, most people concentrate on a small aspect of production, trading for other products. Trade exists between regions because different regions have a comparative advantage in the production of some tradable commodity, or because different regions' size allows for the benefits of mass production thus providing cost advantage of producing the same commodity.

  1. Which one of the following does not deal with export promotion?

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    Cooperative marketing is just an extension and application of the philosophy of cooperation in the area of agricultural marketing. It is a process of marketing through a cooperative society, formed for the producers, by the producers. It seeks to eliminate the middlemen between the producer and the consumer, thus getting the maximum price for their produce.

    Correct Option: C

    Cooperative marketing is just an extension and application of the philosophy of cooperation in the area of agricultural marketing. It is a process of marketing through a cooperative society, formed for the producers, by the producers. It seeks to eliminate the middlemen between the producer and the consumer, thus getting the maximum price for their produce.