Economics miscellaneous

Economics miscellaneous

  1. The concept that under a system of free enterprise, it is consumers who decide what goods and services shall be produced and in what quantities is known as

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    Consumer sovereignty means that buyers ultimately determine which goods and services remain in production. While businesses can produce and attempt to sell whatever goods they choose, if the goods fail to satisfy the wants and needs, consumers decide not to buy. If the consumers do not buy, the businesses do not sell and the goods are not produced.

    Correct Option: D

    Consumer sovereignty means that buyers ultimately determine which goods and services remain in production. While businesses can produce and attempt to sell whatever goods they choose, if the goods fail to satisfy the wants and needs, consumers decide not to buy. If the consumers do not buy, the businesses do not sell and the goods are not produced.

  1. According to modern thinking, the law of diminishing returns applies to

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    The law of diminishing returns (also law of diminishing marginal returns or law of increasing relative cost) states that in all productive processes, adding more of one factor of production, while holding all others constant (“ceteris paribus”), will at some point yield lower per-unit returns. The law of diminishing returns does not imply that adding more of a factor will decrease the total production, a condition known as negative returns, though in fact this is common.

    Correct Option: D

    The law of diminishing returns (also law of diminishing marginal returns or law of increasing relative cost) states that in all productive processes, adding more of one factor of production, while holding all others constant (“ceteris paribus”), will at some point yield lower per-unit returns. The law of diminishing returns does not imply that adding more of a factor will decrease the total production, a condition known as negative returns, though in fact this is common.

  1. In Economics, production means

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    All factors of production like land, labour, capital and entrepreneur are required in combination at a time to produce a commodity. Production means creation or an addition of utility. Factors of production (or productive ‘inputs’ or ‘resources’) are any commodities or services used to produce goods and services.

    Correct Option: C

    All factors of production like land, labour, capital and entrepreneur are required in combination at a time to produce a commodity. Production means creation or an addition of utility. Factors of production (or productive ‘inputs’ or ‘resources’) are any commodities or services used to produce goods and services.

  1. Given the money wages, if the price level in an economy increases, then the real wages will

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    If workers receive a higher nominal wage and the price level does not change, then the real purchasing power of their wages is higher and they are inclined to increase the quantity of labor supplied. If the workers receive the same nominal wage, but the price level increases, then the real purchasing power of their wages is lower and they are inclined to decrease the quantity of labor supplied. Any combination of changes in nominal resource prices or the price level that changes the purchasing power of resource prices entices resource owners to change quantities supplied.

    Correct Option: B

    If workers receive a higher nominal wage and the price level does not change, then the real purchasing power of their wages is higher and they are inclined to increase the quantity of labor supplied. If the workers receive the same nominal wage, but the price level increases, then the real purchasing power of their wages is lower and they are inclined to decrease the quantity of labor supplied. Any combination of changes in nominal resource prices or the price level that changes the purchasing power of resource prices entices resource owners to change quantities supplied.

  1. A firm is in equilibrium when its

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    A consumer is in a state of equilibrium when he achieves maximum aggregate satisfaction on the expenditure that he makes depending on the set of conditions relating to his tastes and preferences, income, price and supply of the commodity etc. Producers’ equilibrium occurs when he maximizes his net profit subject to a given set of economic situations. A firm’s equilibrium point is when it has no inclination in changing its production. In short run Marginal revenue = Marginal Cost is the condition of equilibrium.

    Correct Option: A

    A consumer is in a state of equilibrium when he achieves maximum aggregate satisfaction on the expenditure that he makes depending on the set of conditions relating to his tastes and preferences, income, price and supply of the commodity etc. Producers’ equilibrium occurs when he maximizes his net profit subject to a given set of economic situations. A firm’s equilibrium point is when it has no inclination in changing its production. In short run Marginal revenue = Marginal Cost is the condition of equilibrium.