Economics miscellaneous

Economics miscellaneous

  1. Apart from the availability of raw material location of an industry is also dependent on the availability of:

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    Some of the factors which affect the industrial location are as follows: availability of raw materials, availability of labour, availability of capital, availability of power, availability of market and infrastructure. good supply of labor is one of the traditional factors that is indispensable for industry. Besides, availability of power/electricity is also a deciding factor.

    Correct Option: B

    Some of the factors which affect the industrial location are as follows: availability of raw materials, availability of labour, availability of capital, availability of power, availability of market and infrastructure. good supply of labor is one of the traditional factors that is indispensable for industry. Besides, availability of power/electricity is also a deciding factor.

  1. An employer goes on employing more and more of a factor units until :

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    According to the Marginal Productivity Theory, the reward or the price of a factor unit depends upon its productivity or its contribution to the total product. While employing a factor, an employer compares the marginal revenue productivity (MRP) of the lost unit and the marginal cost of the factor. He will employ a factor up to the point where the reward (marginal cost of the factor) paid to the factor equals its MRP. If MRP is more than the marginal cost, the employer increases its profits by employing more units of the factor; on the other hand, if marginal cost of the factor is greater than MRP, it will reduce employment to reduce its loss.

    Correct Option: D

    According to the Marginal Productivity Theory, the reward or the price of a factor unit depends upon its productivity or its contribution to the total product. While employing a factor, an employer compares the marginal revenue productivity (MRP) of the lost unit and the marginal cost of the factor. He will employ a factor up to the point where the reward (marginal cost of the factor) paid to the factor equals its MRP. If MRP is more than the marginal cost, the employer increases its profits by employing more units of the factor; on the other hand, if marginal cost of the factor is greater than MRP, it will reduce employment to reduce its loss.

  1. Equilibrium output is determined by:

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    Equilibrium Output refers to the level of output where the Aggregate Demand is equal to the Aggregate Supply (AD = AS) in an economy. It signifies that whatever the producers intend to produce during the year is exactly equal to what the buyers intend to buy during the year. According to MR-MC approach, equilibrium refers to stage of that output level at which Marginal Cost (MC) = Marginal Revenue (MR). As long as MC is less than MR, it is profitable for the producer to go on producing more because it adds to its profits. He stops producing more only when MC becomes equal to MR.

    Correct Option: B

    Equilibrium Output refers to the level of output where the Aggregate Demand is equal to the Aggregate Supply (AD = AS) in an economy. It signifies that whatever the producers intend to produce during the year is exactly equal to what the buyers intend to buy during the year. According to MR-MC approach, equilibrium refers to stage of that output level at which Marginal Cost (MC) = Marginal Revenue (MR). As long as MC is less than MR, it is profitable for the producer to go on producing more because it adds to its profits. He stops producing more only when MC becomes equal to MR.

  1. If total product is at its maximum then:
    (AP= Average product)
    (MP= Marginal product)

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    Total product (TP) is the total output a production unit can produce, using different combination of factors of production. When marginal product =0 (at point D in the figure), the total product is at its maximum (as seen at point C in the figure given below). Then en as the marginal product becomes negative, the total product starts going down.

    Correct Option: C

    Total product (TP) is the total output a production unit can produce, using different combination of factors of production. When marginal product =0 (at point D in the figure), the total product is at its maximum (as seen at point C in the figure given below). Then en as the marginal product becomes negative, the total product starts going down.

  1. When average product of an input is at its maximum then :
    (AP= Average product)
    (MP= Marginal product)

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    There is a close relationship between marginal product and average product because both are derived from total product. When marginal product is equal to average product, the average product is at its maximum. In the short-run production function, since marginal product starts off as greater than average product and then falls below average product, we can assume that at the “cross-over point,” when MP = AP, AP is at its maximum.

    Correct Option: B

    There is a close relationship between marginal product and average product because both are derived from total product. When marginal product is equal to average product, the average product is at its maximum. In the short-run production function, since marginal product starts off as greater than average product and then falls below average product, we can assume that at the “cross-over point,” when MP = AP, AP is at its maximum.